High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Another UPDATE!

Time for another update to keep anyone who cares up to speed about things around here. Many changes have taken place and, frankly, I've been pretty darn busy. A career change took place. Nothing easy at any age but at 57 it's a major event. I still do some contract CADD drafting but my offical job now is driving a semi. Love the job but I've encountered some problems with the electronic logging system and am currently rattling some cages up in Omaha to affect some sort of fix.

It's a long story but it all boils down to a minor software problem that needs a few new lines of code to correct. Someone in Omaha should have discovered this and resolved it by now but when your basic job function is either (a) passing the buck or (b) breathing long enough to collect your pay check...... then you really don't care if a problem exists or not. Unfortunately for them I don't have a problem with rattling cages or pissing people off IF that is what needs to be done to get their attention and get the problem identified and corrected.

Here's the deal. I share a truck with another driver. We thus have to share the same communications unit and link. Techincally we are separate but to the computer it makes no difference. Unless both folks do all the right things the computer is going to screw things up. What happens is that I electonically "sign" my logs and sign off the system when my tour is done. The next driver comes along and, rather than sign on as the current driver, he sends a message saying that he is available for a load. What that does is put me back on duty which screws up my logs.

Now the problem of the computer screwing things up can be fixed. All that is required is a conditional branching routine in the software that checks to see if someone is logged on as the current driver before it accepts any input from the terminal. Thus if the other guy tries to send the available for load message before logging on it rejects his message and sends him straight to the log on screen. Problem solved. Now all I have to do is get the attention of the logs department and get someone to actually pay attention.

As far as the house goes it is beginning to look like we might actually have a Christmas tree in the front window this holiday season. The entertainment center is almost finished after a lot of messing around. It's a "figure it out as we go along" sort of project. An idea but not a genuine plan. We work on it..... take a look and see what direction we want to go next.... then tinker on it some more and then re-evaluate. Right now it's pretty much down to paint and trim so we're about at the end. There is still a little more tile to put down and more floor molding..... paint.... decor items and some more pot lights..... but that's all minor stuff. Next major thing will be buying the flat panel TV and the speakers and getting those things mounted and wired. The Kitchen still needs to be worked on. It's basically a tool storage area with a stove and refrigerator. Eventually we'll just gut it back to the bare walls and start from there.

Other local events that affect things are the sad closing of "Pop's Spaghetti House" and KOAI (107.5) the "Smooth Jazz" station changing formats to yet another "hip hop" thump thump it all sounds the same station. (SIGH) Now I have no option with WRR (classical 101.1) decided to air the city councel live every other Wednesday. (GROAN) On a brighter note Garland will soon have a new Indian restaurant!!!! We managed to get some carry out even though construction is ongoing and it won't be open for "official" business until November 10th. We got both chicken and beef dishes and found them to be quite tasty! Just a tad on the warm side for most American pallets but otherwise it seems that they will have a hit. They will have both northern and southern Indian cusine as offer vegetarian too so everyone will be happy. I know Becky and I will be regulars and on a first name basis with the owner.

Well..... I have some painting to do on that entertainment center so time to go. Politically..... just remember. Anytime you hear a lib say something..... if it includes a reference to a political party (Republicans) just remove that and substitute the word Democrat and you'll have an accurate representation of what is about to happen. For example a week ago James Carvill said that the "Republican attack machine" was gearing up and it was going to start getting ugly politically. Do the substitution and watch the news..... which party is doing ALL the attacking???? The democrats of course. Tom Foley is still headline news several times a day....... but did you know he resigned nearly two weeks ago and isn't even in Washington anymore? Nope. Oh well........


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