High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Can I scream now?

I'm finding the pervasive nature of the radical left wing nut jobs more and more difficult to escape these days. It's a non-stop assault on the sane thinking people of America that has to be stopped before we're all as crazy as outhouse rats & the whacko lefty's. A case in point: The December issue of Scientific American. These guys are getting dangerously close to having to rename the magazine "Feel Good American" because all claims to them being able to editorialize scientifically are out the window.
The left wing crap starts in the first few sentences when they proclaim that "Bush" (They can't show respect and say President Bush) has made a "remarkable turnabout" in saying we need to conserve to get through the fuel crunch caused, in part, by the hurricanes. I'll get to that "in part" part later on. Remarkable turnabout? I recall President Bush's first address to the nation when he clearly articulated the need for energy conservation, more research and funding of alternative energy programs, and the need for more domestic energy production and increased refining capacity. Typical of the left they ignore anything that fails to make their point or fit neatly into the template of their agenda and omit the first two points from their writing and only use the last two.
Following that neat (but transparent) trick they proceed to blame transportation and vehicle exhaust for causing much of the global warming "crisis". (have you noticed that -everything- is a freaking crisis to the left when they don't get their way?) We Americans simply have to drive much less than we do now. We have to get rid of our evil automobiles (especially SUV's) and rely on public transportation. Well Shazaaam! Is that all it takes? Besides the fact that we don't even have public transportation where we live.... how the hell are we supposed to fit that nightmare into our normal lives? We're remodeling a house. I'll bet the next time we run out of thin set someone from DART will be overjoyed to come out here, pick us up and take us to the nearest Lowes or Home Depot so we can snag several hundred pounds of the stuff and tote it back home. Yep! I see Dart Buses lined up outside both those stores ALL the damn time! Shovel handles sticking out the windows, rolls of insullation strapped to the top, guys in grubby coveralls all sitting patiently just waiting to get back to their various job sites and earn a living. Wait a minute.... that mental image sounds famliar..... sounds like.... an image from some 3rd world country. Okay lefties... your secret is out. All you really want is for America to be just another 3rd world country! COOL! Hell... I'm on board with that! Yeah... right. But I digress.
Then, in yet another brilliant observation, these scientific minds proclaim that we can conserve our way to Utopia by having lighter weight vehicles using Hybrid drive! And of course to ensure compliance they'd simply ban anything they didn't like. Damn! Sounds real American to me! News flash for the lefties..... lighter weight materials come from more rare and more difficult to mine and refine ores. Aluminum is fairly common and can be made fairly strong BUT it takes nearly 5 times the energy of steel production to produce the same ton of end product. But... they overlook those facts.... they don't fit the template. As for Hybrid drive..... there is always a piper to be paid folks. Moving a vehicle.... ANY vehicle.... is simply a matter of physics. There is a specific mass to be moved (accelerated) and maintained in motion until such time as stopping is necessary. Mass accelerated over distance results in a specific amount of energy required..... PERIOD! It doesn't matter a whit if that energy comes from an internal combustion engine, electric motor, nuclear reactor, mules, pixies or all your cousins on a harness. The amount of energy is exactly the same. IT clearly follows that it's impossible to "save" energy by driving a hybrid vehicle. Further all hybrids to date utilize electric motors for power during low demand situations. Electric motors require power to operate and that generally comes from either a generator or a chemical storage cell..... or battery. The most common type is the old fashion lead-acid battery. Those have a useful live of about 4 years in normal conditions then have to be replaced because various internal components have deteriorated. In a Toyota Prius that cost of the battery pack replacement is $4500. With luck that needs to happen right after the proud owner pays it off after having already spent an additional $9500 over the normal vehicle cost without the hybrid drive system. Sure glad we're "saving" gas because the cash is flying out the window faster than we can count it! Basically for the cost of ownership of a Prius for the first 5 years..... you can buy a Kia Rio and have enough left over to cover the cost of gasoline for ten years. Do the math, lefties.
Their "final solution" was to tack on another 50 cents a gallon tax to motor fuels. That would put the total taxes on a gallon of fuel at 98 cents a gallon. This saves gasoline how exactly? Oh. In case you're wondering.... the evil oil companies profit, on average, one DIME per gallon of fuel sold. One stinking dime! Yet...they are the ones who had to explore for the crude, drill for the crude, transport the crude, build a refinery and refine the crude, build and maintain a distribution network and deliver the fuel to us. For that they profit a dime. The government does absolutely nothing but throw up punitive regulations and manditory gas formulations and they currently walk away profiting 48 cents per gallon. Gee! Seems real damn fair to me!
Oh! That "in part" comment way up above... time to address that. Anyone remember President Jimmy Carter? If not look him up on the internet. During his administration we had a gasoline "crisis" the likes of which has not been seen since. (Thank God!) Not just higher cost fuel but NO fuel! Gasoline rationing like in world war two. Lines at gas stations going around the block. It was incredible. The middle east turned down the flow and we all felt the power of that little action. Okay.... what did we, as a nation, DO about that? If you guessed absolutely nothing give yourself a gold star and move to the head of the class. That's right folks. The middle east held us hostage with oil and we have done not one damn thing to correct the problem. IN fact the liberals and environmentalist whacko's have made it even easier for us to be held hostage again by restricting drilling and making refinery construction impossible. We can't drill for new oil in America! It's against the law! There has not been one single new refinery built in the last 30 years. Thank you Liberals!
These pea brained buffoons bloviate endlessly about global warming when their ceaseless hot air is likely the major cause of global warming. (Or at lease global whining) OH! It's human industry that's to blame! (Also notice that with the left someone (usually Americans) have to be blamed for everything) Well..... horseshit! Geological records indicate that the earth has gone into and come out of several ice ages.... all by itself! Yep! Before there were even people, let alone evil Americans, the planet was going through cycles of global warming and cooling all by itself!!! Positively amazing, huh? Also.... just for the record.... there is this strange object in the solar system that generates just incredible amounts of power. In fact it puts out so much power that an average of 3000 watts of energy per square yard falls upon this planet every single minute. That strange object would be the SUN! The sun happens to be in what is called a solar max cycle. These happen about every 24 to 27 years and are indicated by a dramatic reduction in sunspot activity and a resulting increase in energy output. The left refuses to believe that the sun could have anything at all to do with adding heat to the planet. AMAZING!
Folks..... this stuff comes at us from every direction these days. Whacko leftist radical fringe groups..... their stooges in politics and the media..... even the teachers in your childrens schools. Unfounded, unsubstanciated, unprovable nonsense proclaimed to be the absolute truth. This stuff needs to be confronted every time it's encountered because your very way of life hangs in the balance. If people who think like they do have their way the America we all know today will be dismantled and replaced by something that resembles north Korea. Think about it.


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