High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Who needs to die?

I'm trying very hard to figure out why so many people want to kill Terry Schiavo. Most likely by the time this posts the lack of water for a week will have done it's deed and this will be pointless. If one of us were to deny our dog food and water for a week we'd be tossed in jail so fast our head would spin. Yet a court rules over and over again that doing this to a human is okay with them. Have YOU ever gone without water for an entire day? How about two? Three anyone? I've done two and it's not a treat. For Terry it's been a week. Organs start to fail, the bodies ability to regulate temperature screws up, toxins build up in the ever thicker blood stream and the list goes on. If you want a really painful way to die.... this is a pretty good choice.

Let's see. We can't treat animals this way. It's "inhumane" in the view of the law. We can't treat prisoners this way because it's cruel and unusual punishment. Yet a judge can decree that there is some "right" to treat a defenseless woman this way. I must have missed something.

Once Terry has reached room temperature I'm sure the first sound we're going to hear is her ass of a "husband" (and I use the term with regret) breathing a big sigh of relief. With luck an after the fact autopsy will uncover the ugly truth but I doubt it. Her "husband" isn't going to be relieved that her "suffering" is over. No, he's going to be relieved that now there is a 100% certainty that she's not going to recover and finger HIM as the one who is responsible for her condition. Medical records that the court said didn't matter in this last "hearing" show beyond a doubt that Terry had been brutalized for a long time. She had more broken bones than a pro hockey player! Perhaps after playing punching bag to many times she's had enough and tells the lout that one more time and she calls the cops on his sorry butt.

She's suffered a lot of trauma and she's already afraid of him.... and he knows that. Killing her outright is too obvious so how about he just "scares" her to death? YEAH!!! Frighten her so badly that she suffers a heart attack and dies! Bitch is dead, he collects insurance and finds some other woman to beat up on for a while. SWEET!!! The only problem was that the heart attack didn't kill Terry. It left her in pretty bad shape BUT she was still alive. Can't communicate..... yet. Therapy could help her but she gets none of any importance. She can recognize people and smiles at her parents when they visit. She recognizes her "husband" too and the fear and fright are obvious on her face. Doctors blow it off as just involuntary muscle contractions.

At this point I have two hopes. One is that everyone responsible for the cruel and hateful way they killed this woman gets the opportunity to die the same way. Maybe a car wreck on an infrequently traveled road with their vehicle unseen from the pavement. Trapped inside with no food, no water and no way to call for help. Waiting for their body to just shut down as they dehydrate and burn up from fever. Take away the car wreck and that's Terry. Hope two is that somehow the truth about Terry surfaces and her rat of a "husband" gets the chance to be someone named Bubba's "wife" in prison. Maybe Bubba will have a bad temper too and use him for a punching bag. One can only hope.

There are some bad people who just need to die. Drug dealers, warlords, traitors and the like. Scum of the earth types who have worked their way into Uncle Sam's disfavor. And while it's technically against the law to target these people bad things seem to happen to them none the less. (Amazing!) Terry Schiavo did nothing to anyone and in her case the LAW says it's okay to brutally execute her. Sounds pretty ass-backwards to me. The people of the United States need to open their eyes and see what the courts are doing to this country and demand an end to it. IF not then pretty soon we're all going to start getting dizzy as the whirlpool that will be America spins down the toilet.

And for Terry.... May God hold you in His arms and give you the peace you never had here.


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