High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Getting Started

Everything has to have a beginning and this is what shall serve as my blogs birth. No need for saddle block or other pain killers.... this shall be painless unless you're easily offended or never learned how to think and reason logically. For those two groups read on at your own peril as you've been warned.
Mostly what will appear here are my mullings and thoughts on various events and topics I have an interest in or that affect me in some way or another. I'm not trying to be the next Hemingway so you can kiss style, form and other literary guides good-bye right now. I don't sit on the fence on any topic. I always have an opinion and now I have a place to voice that to anyone who cares to read and give it some serious thought. I'm about as subtle as a brick through your windshield at 90 MPH so be forewarned. But for now... my sweetie is due home and I've promised her Thai food tonight... time to get to cooking!


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