High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Will the liberals ever grow up?

I'd really love to go off here but, since these are public domain, I'll have to force myself to keep it within the "G" rating zone. Obviously everyone views the political scene with their own unique coloration and bias. Even though it's very difficult for me to understand why the liberals can't see how incredibly childish and petty they behave. I've witnessed more grown up behavior in my 5 year old twin grand-daughters than I have from Sen. Boxer and Sen. Kennedy this past week. Rather than muck up the air in Washington I really wish they'd just take their toys and go home. These two gas bags have been on the wrong side of history since they took office. Why they are still in office is absolutely amazing. Sadly, it doesn't say much positive about the people who keep re-electing them.
If one honestly and objectively analyzes the stance today's democratic party takes on issues one discovers that democratic is only a term. Today's democrat is yesterdays communist or, at best, socialist. They beat the word "democratic" to death in their single minded quest to regain political power but there's not a true democratic bone in the lot of them. Point blank... All they want to do is control every single aspect of our lives from cradle to grave.
Listen to the moaning and gnashing of teeth over proposed changes to social security. You'd think the world as we know it is about to come crashing to it's doom. Why? Because someone woke up and realized that the 70 year old system is broken and has to be repaired if it's going to keep working for the citizens of this country. And what evil plan has the democrats so upset? Folks... It's worse than evil.... It's actually letting people... American people... Have some small measure of control over their lives and their retirement income. >>GASP!!<<
If this stock market plan is as "risky" as they keep telling the cameras... then how come every damn one of them has money in exactly that same kind of retirement package? Did you know that the average Senator is going to retire on an average of $75,000 a year? How come you're not? Would you like to? It's not all that difficult. Obviously social security isn't going to do the job. It's not designed to be a retirement program and never was. It's been mismanaged almost to death. There is no lockbox with your name on it and your money in it. All the money paid into social security goes into the general fund and is spent as fast as it arrives. If you die before you get to retirement age your family doesn't get all that money you put into the system... The government keeps it all... Every damn penny. BOY! That's sure the kind of security I want for MY family! Yeah.. Right. How about instead we have actual private accounts that DO have your name on them! How about your money actually working for you and earning interest at stockmarket rates? How about if you die before you get to retire your family gets to keep all your money and all the interest it earned? Go ahead democrats... Tell me how that's going to destroy America.
Democrats.... Place your arms out to your sides with elbows bent at 90 degree angles. Your palms should be facing upwards. Now... If you press REAL hard you might be able to force your heads out of your asses and finally get a breath of fresh air and a dose of sunshine! No wonder you people have such a crappy outlook on life.... Nothing but doom and gloom. How about for a change... You try to do something FOR the American people... Rather than TO them?
BTW... John F. Kennedy would have been a moderate Republican in today's world. His brother Ted is somewhere to the left of the Vladimir Putten. Sad.


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