High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The left will never get it......

We're stuck in a time when change is sweeping the country from one end to the other. The only real problem with this wave of change is that it's proceeding much to slowly. At a frustratingly slow pace the old "mainstream" media is gradually loosing it's stranglehold grip on the dissemination of information to the public. Mainstream is in quotes above because that is a title they give themselves rather than who they truly represent. Just take a look at the last Presidential victory map and the "mainstream" press represents the views of the blue states. Everything blue is a bastion of liberal thinking. That tiny fragment of the country is who the media plays to because that is where they live and work. Those are the people they know and with whom they socialize. It was like one reporter commented after the last Bush victory: "I don't know how he won.... no one I know voted for him."

Who is it she knows? Other people who think (and I use that word with caution) like she does, dine where she dines, shop where she shops, etc. The media live and work and socialize in a very small little world surrounded by others who are just like them. There is no contrast and no other point of view except that of the liberal left. When the media goes to work each day they take their world view with them and that world view is decidedly left wing.

From that point forward there is an underlying agenda that taints and colors everything they do. Every single news item is seen through the liberal prism and colored accordingly. There is an old joke that explains that process perfectly. A reporter from the New York Times was in Washington DC. While out for a walk he saw something strange and stopped to look. It was the figure of a man walking across the Potomac river. A couple of minutes later President Bush stepped ashore and continued on his walk. The reporter was shocked and quickly dialed his office to file a story. The headline? "Bush Can't Swim!"

That is the perfect example of how the media slants what they see to conform with their world view. Take the war in Iraq for example. Going in the press was against the war and against the administration too. They think that the US military is the greatest force for evil on the planet. How has that war been covered? All we heard from the start was that the Iraqi army was much too strong for us and too good at desert warfare. Then we heard that we didn't have enough troops and the few we had were not properly trained. We heard that the republican guard would defend Baghdad to the death. We were told to be prepared to see tens of thousands of body bags coming back to the United States.

At every turn and every doom and gloom call the media was proven wrong. Unfortunately that doesn't stop them and doesn't alter their world view and their agenda. That agenda is simply making sure that the democrat party returns to power and stays there forever. Because of that belief they can't print anything positive while a republican is in the white house and while republicans are the majority in the house and senate. In 1995, while Bill Clinton was in office, a heatwave in Chicago killed over 1000 people. That got scant coverage by the press. Chicago is a democrat controlled city, Clinton was a democrat president. No accusations of Clinton causing global warming and killing people. No outcry for him not personally showing up (EVER) to view the carnage. No fingers pointed at the federal government or the city or state government for not doing more to prevent those deaths. Fewer than 300 people (so far) have died in New Orleans and the press is screaming for Bush to be impeached and his entire administration to resign for being incompetent. Over 3 times more people die under Clinton in one event and nothing from the press. And you think there is NO media bias? Please! Under Clinton we had hurricanes Andrew, Floyd, Fran, Opal, Georges, Erin, and Bonnie. Not once was Clinton blamed for the storms, the deaths and damage they caused, global warming or anything else. New Orleans is partially flooded after a levee fails and Bush has to go! No media bias my ass!

Louisiana is a state controlled by the democrats for the last 60 years. Since being in office, President Bush has authorized more funds for levee construction and repair that the last two presidents combined. All the president can do is authorize the funds. He can't personally ensure that the funds are actually spent as intended. Bush is responsible for making sure that Louisiana had the funds to make the levees safe. Louisiana is responsible for doing that job. It's fairly obvious that they failed. President Bush called Louisiana Governor Blanco 24 hours before landfall asking her to go ahead and declare a federal emergency so he could get things moving. Governor Blanco declined thus delaying the federal governments response. Mayor Ray Nagin refused to use city and school buses to evacuate the poor because..... he couldn't find the drivers. My guess is that a full 80% of the people in the superdome could drive a damn bus if given the chance. All he had to do was say he had buses and needed people who could drive them... but he didn't. The administration was blamed for not getting supplies to the superdome but the Red Cross says they had truck loads of food, water and other supplies designated for the superdome but were turned away! Why? Because officials there said that the extra food and water would attract more people and they couldn't handle more people! Amazing. And yesterday Gov. Blanco blamed FEMA for not getting the bodies out quicker when 4 days earlier she told FEMA that the State of Louisiana would handle that. In all of this I'm still wondering where the utopia is that liberals have been promising us if they are left in power. They have been in power in Louisiana for over 60 years and all we see is that when the people really have to depend upon their local and state government they are abandoned.

That last statement is key to understanding the liberal mind set. As long as you are an asset to them you're taken care of. Vote for them, pay taxes, take what ever little handout they want to give you and they'll "take care" of you. But do not make the mistake of becoming a liability to the democrats. They will cut you loose faster then rats leaving a sinking ship. Examples are everywhere and if you want me to take up space listing them I certainly can.... but you've got internet and you can do the research yourself. Bottom line is that the left and their ideas have been soundly rejected by the sane, rational thinking part of America. We on the right get it. We reject socialism! We reject communism! We fought for the right to be free and we are not going to surrender that right to a bunch of fools who think the only reason communism failed is because they were not in charge! And it's the same with all their social programs. They continue to fail and fall short and we're always told to give it more time and more money. (Especially more money!) Ted Kennedy was bitching the other day about "Bush's education program" being an abject failure. Ted Kennedy wrote the damn education bill! That's another thing about the left. They are never responsible. Even when it's their plan and their ideas when it fails it's the fault of someone or something else.... never them.

I'm starting to think that a slightly over the top radio talk show host (no... not Rush) had it right when he said..... "Liberalism is a mental disorder."


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