High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Storm Damage

It sure is nice to live in a country where everything that goes wrong gives the left another reason to bitch, moan, whine and complain. Notice there is nothing positive there and that is exactly the point. In the last 40 years when was the last time anything positve came from the left? The only bright shining light there is John Kennedy. (A conservative by todays standards)

Kennedy had two things going for him. A vision and plan for America and an understanding of the economic engine that drives this country forward. He task us with putting a man on the moon and returning him safely and the entire country set about reaching that goal. To keep the engine of freedom chugging along happily he lowered the marginal tax rates and money poured into the government coffers like it had never done before.

What have they offered up since Kennedy? Nothing worth noting in a positive sense. Oh sure everyone on the left will just up an down and point out that Bill Clinton was the greatest president in American History! Oh really? Want to see fear spread all over a liberal's face in a big hurry? Just ask them to name two things Bill Clinton actually did. I can tell you the one thing he did that was his main goal from the outset. He got the worlds greatest retirement plan, took his toys (and everything else he could get his hands on) and went home.

The left hasn't had a vision or a plan for America since JFK and if you'll notice they almost never raise his name when they themselves speak of great liberals. I guess the biggest reason for that was that, while he was a democrat, he wasn't a liberal. He believed in 98% of the things that all conservatives believe in, smaller government, lower taxes, etc. As such he's shunned by those who's answer to everything is more government and higher taxes. The left has become nothing more than a collection of special interest groups which must all be held together by giving into their demands. How about we give a quick look to just one special interest group and that would be the environmentalists.

What has that group actually done for America? Come on... think hard now. As much air time and press coverage as they get they must have done something you can think of. "They cleaned up the air!" Hmmmmm...... Sorry. Other than bitch and moan and get a lot of face time on TV they didn't do a damn thing to clean up the air. Corporate America did that with the profits they made doing business. Why? Here is a dirty little secret.... shhhhhhh.... keep this to yourselves... All those evil business men, their wives and their kids.... all have to breath the very same air you and I.... and the environmentalists do! Same with the water and land. They don't have a special reserve sit aside just for them.

One thing the enviriomentalists have done lately is cause a hell of a lot of grief in New Orleans. How, you ask? Who is it that pisses and moans about the evil automobile and tells us that we all would be much better off (and save the planet) if we would just use public transportation? Those wonderful environmentalists! Who managed to get out of New Orleans? That would be people who had evil autommobiles and heeded the evacuation order. Who got stranded in the Big Easy and were left to fend for themselves? Well.... there were no public transportation buses on the highways leading out of town so see if you can figure it out. And all those evil SUV's they want banned. When the water was two feet deep I damn sure didn't see any Honda Insights or Toyota Prius's crusing through to move people and material around.... did you? Nope. It was those evil SUV's getting in and out through all that mess.

See a pattern developing here? Basically it's this.... if the left tells you that it's what you should be doing to save the planet (and whatever else is on their agenda that week) then you can bet your sweet ass you should be doing the exact opposite. Every time the public buys into their BS it comes back to bite them in the ass. And when they do get bit how do they respond? They blame the nearest Republican. Another fact of liberal/leftist life.... they are never responsible for anything that goes wrong. Come to think of it... they are just plain not responsible!

There is more of this rant but I need to cool off a bit first.


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