High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Time to be critical of Pres. Bush and the Republicans GASP!

This last round of pissing and bitching by the liberal left has finally gotten to me and I'm pissed too. For years we've been hearing that "Bush is evil!" "Bush is Hitler!" "Bush invaded Iraq just to get their oil!" "Bush hates the poor!" "Bush is a murderer!" and anything else the left can think of. My bitches are a bit different than theirs, mostly because I have the ability to think and reason, but the are still bitches.
First, my bitches about the Republican party. Number one. When is this duly elected bunch of weak kneed wennies going to grow a pair (of you know what) and start acting like the majority party? I'm sick and tired of watching them lay down and play dead each and every time that the left raises some petty little bitch. SCREW THE LEFT! News flash... THEY LOST! They are the minority and it's high time the right figured that out and treated them like the failed loosers that they are. They have been rejected, their 70 year old ideas havve been rejected and they are out of power. However the left refuses to admit that they lost and the liberal press refuses to treat them like republicans..... I mean losers.
We all know the old stream press is leftist and liberal. That is clear to everyone except the left and the press. Every time a Democrat member of the house or Senate has a bitch there are mikes and cameras everywhere to capture every scathing word. If a Republican steps out with a comment then the wind whippng through the Linclon memorial is the loudest sound out there and the only cameras clicking are from tourists. So it boils down to this. IF the left wants to bitch and moan the liberal press is more than willing to advance their agenda. The the right wants to respond to them then tough shit. Time for the right to stop playing nice and demand equal time and coverage. When the press starts taking up the liberal agenda in their questioning hammer them on it and demand equal representation the next time they interview someone from the left. (When was the last time you heard someone from the media really go after someone with a big "D" by their title?) Or how about this little fact. During the wonderful Clinton years America was hit by a combination of 10 major storms, 8 of which were hurricanes. I never heard one member of the media or the left demanding investigations or that Clinton resign or be impeached. (One storm hits New Orleans and all of the above is demanded for Pres. Bush) On January 17, 1994 the infamous Northridge earthquake kills 57 people, injures over 5000 and does 20 Billion in damage to California. Not a peep from the left about holding Clinton responsible. In the summer of 1995 Chicago is hit with a heat wave and leaves over 1000 dead. Again the left is mostly silent and no one blames Mr. Clinton. How come?
Now for President Bush. President bush has got a huge problem and he really needs to change and become more like a Democrat. His problem? He's too damn nice! Due to all the legal crap from the first victory the Bush administration was delayed in actually occupying the White House and other facilities. When they were granted admission what they found looked a lot like New Orleans. Staff offices had all been vandalized, computers had their drives erased, keyboards had keys removed, trash dumped all over, even human feces on the walls of some offices. All of this done (pay close attention here) to your White House and your equipment! President Bush ordered a complete blackout on all that and further ordered that NO photos of the vandalizm be released. Personally.... I'd have invited the entire press corps to tour the White House and demanded a full investigation and prosecution of anyone found guilty. But President Bush is too damn nice. He let them all go and covered it all up. Higher up the ladder of responsibility former President Clinton took Air Force One (renamed to something else for his flight since he was no longer the setting President) and the American People for one last ride. Upon landing, Clinton and his aides literally stripped the aircraft of everything that wasn't nailed down. Blankets, pillows, sheets, plates, cups, saucers, crystal, etc. Several hunderd thousand dollars worth of your property looted from your presidential aircraft. And that damn nice President Bush also orders all that supressed. If nothing else I'd have ordered a complete inventory then either billed the former President or deducted it from his retirement pay until the damages had been recovered.
Yep! I'm getting real tired of these damn nice republicans! Time to get a little bit democratic I think. Time to be mean and nasty to the left and the press. Time to start tossing their crap right back in their faces. Next time some bloated Senator (who looks a lot Like Ted Kennedy) demands that "Bush" (they never show respect) lay out an "exit stratagy" for Iraq my reply would be: "We will just as soon as we get an exit stratagy from the Clinton administration for Kosovo." I'd also lay out some basic ground rules for those presidential press conferences too. Rules one and two would be civility and respect for the office. Violate either of those and your White House access is revoked for the balance of the term. So you'd never again hear comments like "Answer the question, Mr. President, Answer the question!" Who the hell did that jerkweek think he was talking to anyway? Some pimple faced college freshman or media intern? Pardon me but you do not make demands when you are addressing the leader of the both the free world and the singular most powerful person on the planet. You can ask polite questions. You can ask very specific and very pointed questions. You do not make demands.
Granted the right does have a problem in acting like they are in power and acting like they have figured that out and grown a pair. (you've figured out of what by this time I hope) That problem is the old stream media. Anytime the right tries to make it's point the entire media attacks and attackes and attacks. (what happened to reporting?) The left all goes into full attack mode (it's all they have but it works) and they impune the integrity of the person, assail their ideas and generally try to destory them personally. (Look how well that worked when Mr. Clinton was in office. Any time someone created a "problem" for the president... they were destroyed. I guess that is one thing to be thankful for if you are a republican and a conservative. We don't have to worry about when our leaders are going to turn on us and try to destroy us like the people on the left do.
Here is a nice challenge for you. Over the next seven days keep track of a few things. How many times is someone with a "D" by their name interviewed and how many times is someone with an "R" by their name interviewed. What is the tone of the reporter to each? How many times do you hear solutions to problems being offered by the left..... and by the right. From which side, left or right, do you hear the most whining, bitching moaning and complaining? From which side, left or right, do you hear the most positive statements? Play that little game for a week then check your score cards. The side you hear solutions and positive thoughts and ideas from is the side you should be voting for next time around.


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