High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Big (not so) Easy

I've wondered for years why, exactly, New Orleans had the nickname of "the Big Easy." Unfortunately I never found an adequate answer to my query but it seems that the city is in for a nickname change anyway. Also I'm pretty tired of all the endless 24/7 coverage of every single sad tale and hopeless image the old stream press can find to shove in our faces. Catch a clue you jerkweeks. It was a natural disaster.... there are going to be casualities, distruction and chaos. having that rammed down our throats 24/7 does not serve any useful purpose. We tend to have our hearts go out to them for about two days and after that what we feel is "Enough already! we get the freaking point!"

However this is the old stream press and they have never been known to take a hint in the past and I doubt will ever change. Dinosaurs didn't change with the times either and look what it got them. A nice long reign then no more big lizards. (Oh yeah... and that space rock played a part too... but mammals survived that and the big guys didn't.) So 24/7 we get "Look! Look! These people are suffering and you have to feel sorry for them!" Notice that it didn't say you have to do something for them... you have to feel for them. That's the liberal way. Feel for this cause have compassion for that cause but they are always short on doing things to actually make a positive change.

For each of the sad tales cominng out of Louisiana there are 10 to 20 tales of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help themselves and others. Where is the 24/7 press coverage of these heros of the storm? What made this country and made this country great was the spirit of rugged individualism in the people who came here to build a better life for themselves. It damn sure wasn't a case of "I don't feel like building a home so maybe the indians will build one for me and let me live in it." And not "killing animals is icky and I don't want to do that so maybe someone will feed me." Short and sweet if that was your mentality you just were not going to make it, period. And since liberals love evoloution let's just call that natural selection and be happy. Too bad it still doesn't work that way. The entire planet would be better off if it did.

Am I being cruel? Not at all. Evolution simply says that the strong make it and the weak or unprepared do not. That way succeeding generations have the traits of self reliance and strength they need to survive at a higher rate than before. But being liberals they can't even stay on message about evoloution so now, all of a sudden, we're supposed to feel sorry for the weak and helpless and unprepared and help them survive. Sorry but that mentality just does not square with what they want to teach us (and our children) about how we got here.

So if we are truly suppose to care and have compassion for the weak, frail, injured and helpless I suspect that 90% of Americans can tell you what theory does support those traits. They label it "intelligent design" these days but creationism worked for us in the old days. That would be the "childish superstition" (to use Bill Marr's words) that we were created by a loving God who wants us to live in peace and harmony and do unto others as we would have them do unto us. How about I propose something radical. BOTH theories are correct! Some of us did evolve and the rest of us were created in the image of a loving God. If that is the case then, when one is watching all the press coverage at New Orleans, it's pretty easy to tell who belongs to which group. The evoloution group... that would be the ones acting true to their animal past and nature. The God group would be the ones risking their lives (in some cases) to help and save others. Yes. I think that dual background theory works out nicely!.

As for the old stream press. I'd keep one eye pointed up at the sky looking for the next space rock if I were them. But someone with greater wit than I already wrote that headline. "Asteroid to destroy Earth! Blacks, woman and minorities most affected!"


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