High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Friday, October 28, 2005

Truth Held Hostage by Media!

Yeah... I know... it's been awhile again. What can I say... sometime life just happens to get in the way of little side projects like this. If you want regularity.... take exlax.

I suppose the brighter of you can figure out that I'm about to assail the virtue of the wonderful media again. How can I... a meer mortal... even *dare* to speak evil about such paragons of journalistic virtue? Mainly because I can! There is one thing about the media that you need to understand in order to maintain your sanity. (never mind Liberals... y'all lost your minds many, MANY moons ago!) (a little Indian lingo there) The thing to understand is that journalism has absolutely *nothing* to do with their jobs. These are agenda driven, goal oriented partisans who make up the biggest group of democrat supporters and flag wavers. Any of these folks would be right at home working for the red Chinese news bureau (remember the red square uprising that never happend according to them?) or the old USSR Pravda. (toe the party line, comrad)

First you need to understand what a real journalist is. That is someone who, regardless of their own personal views or politics, reports to the public the facts about a story. It's the old, five W's and an H in action. Who, What, When, Where, Why & How. Gather the information about those six points and accurately transmit that to the public. Now IF you do that you can truthfully call yourself a journalist.

What you get from the US media, however, is selective information gathered and presented to foward their cause, goals and objectives. Rather than accurately inform the public their mission is to indoctrinate the masses with ONLY the information that helps make their guys look good and everyone else look as bad as possible. If something goes badly that the press has an opinion on it gets the big splash and all the photos. If something goes well that doesn't conform to their world view then it gets page D22 and as little mention as possible.

Here is a little case in point. In the L.A. Times the story about the 2000th US service man to die in the war on terror got over 7500 words and 8 photos. While the good news about the Iraqis ratifying their new constitution in another successful trip to the poles as free people got fewer than 1800 words and one photo. No agenda? Horse shit.

Lets take another look at the news reporting today. Every day that the media wakes up seems to be the first news day of their lives. Whatever they did or wrote about yesterday or last week or last year doesn't exist. Case in point... the "Valeri Plame" case. (or Plamegate as they wish to call it for political reasons) Everyone in the media is focused on 2004 and the Vice President, his secretary and the chief of staff in the White House. Some are even trying to cast a wider net and hope to snag President Bush as well. (big hint to you liberals at this point... both the President and the Vice President are intitled to know *everything* that goes on.... even the names of CIA agents) As I was doing research for this writing I visited the on line version of Vanity Fair, which had run an extensive piece on the Wilsons. This non-partisan, unbiased publication was selling "Impeach Bush" tee shirts and "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry" Tee shirts. (Sniff..... sniff.... do I detect the smell of horse shit here?) Anyway the media today is focused like a laser beam on the White House and early spring of 2004 when poor Miss Plame got "outted" as an "operative" for the CIA. Why? Because if they focus all our attention on that then perhaps we won't check the facts for ourselves.

Well... one thing is for certain. Liberals swallow it hook, line and sinker. Facts? Hell.. they have the New York Times... that's all the facts they need. Well sorry NY times and all you other media whores.... I have more than one brain cell and I can and WILL check the facts that you so conveniently omit. How about we go back a year earlier, shall we? Now remember... this is one full year before the time frame the media wants you to focus upon. We're at the 2003 Iraqi Forum which has audience members from over 42 nations around the world. One of the guest speakers is none other than Joe Wilson! (BTW... Husband of Miss Plame) In his Bio on the itinerary Mr Wilson lists his wife as Valeri Plame..... NOT Valeri Wilson.... who works for Brewster, Jennings.... her CIA cover company. OOPS!!!! Damn... he outted his own wife. BUT... never mind that... since it doesn't get anyone in the White House in trouble.

Now then.... How about we go back to 1998.... six full years before the time the press wants you to focus upon. What does our brave little CIA operative do then but out herself! Yep! Big as life she registers to give a donation to the Gore campaign under what??? Yep... Valeri Plame employeed by her CIA cover company of Brewster Jennings. Can the press locate this fact? They damn sure don't seem to be able to. Does the press know that contribution registration records are open records and -anyone- can look through them? Geeeee... I guess not. Odd that *I* could track down that information but the full resourses of the media can't seem to.

And as the final nail in this hypocritical media witch hunt.... lets wander on back to 1997... a full seven years prior to when the press wants you to focus upon. Miss Plame is working in Belgium and by coincidence so is Joe Wilson. He's married.... she's married.... (not to each other at this point in time however) but they dig each other anyway so they start sneaking off to Paris to do the big nasty together. During one of their trips Miss Plame outs herself again by telling Joe Wilson she's a covert agent for the CIA working undercover. (appoligies for the dual meaning of that revelation!)

So, boys and girls... lets review, shall we? #1 If you work for the CIA and are given covert status, a cover name and cover background and employment history.... what should you NOT do? Time's up! The correct answer is TELL people! Sheeeeesh. If you missed that question here's another chance to get the answer right. #2 If you work for the CIA and are given covert status, a cover name and cover background and employment history what should your husband NOT do? Time's up again! The correct answer is, once again... TELL people! Okay.... this one is so easy even a liberal ought to be able to get it right.... so here goes. #3 IF you work for the CIA and are given covert status, a cover name and cover background and employment history.... what should you NOT do when giving political contributions? Here is a hint......


You want to know who ought to be in front of a special prosecuter getting their asses reamed and ready to do the big perp-walk to the federal lock up? How about Joe and Valeri Wislon? I'd also throw the book at Mr. Novak for being stupid enough to send his story to publication reveiling the fact that Miss Plame was a CIA operative when he knew that such a revelation could, (A) violate the law (B) put her and her family's lives in danger. (provided that she was really covert and really of any importance at all to the CIA.)

More digging uncovered that what Miss Plame really was was a research analyst. What does that mean? She read books and news papers and other print media looking for specific bits and pieces of information. Her "covert" cover? Perhaps a "cover" but from her own actions and those of her husband certainly not covert. As a matter of policy all CIA personnel have a "code name" and other information they are suppose to keep secret. In the event of a serious problem they can contact the agency, use their code name to verify their identity, and get help and support from a special services team. (think s.w.a.t. in suits and ties) From the reaction of the CIA they sure didn't seem to be real broken up over the "loss" of such an asset as Miss Plame.

How come? According to the media she was a genuine "Jane Bond" super spy. If I was the head of the CIA and some jerkweed like Novak printed an article outting one of my super spys.... Mr. Novak would be soon encountering serious problems.... perhaps even having fatal accidents. How come no one is going after Novak? How come no one is going after Joe Wilson? How come Miss Plame (Mrs. Joe Wilson) hasn't been sucked up into the deep dark bowels of CIA headquarters... given a new secert identity, new cover and background.... heck... new family and kids... and new place to live so she can keep working for the CIA covertly? Perhaps because she just wasn't that important after all. The thing I sense from the CIA is "who cares?"

BUT... the media has an agenda and that's to bring down the Bush administration. This is simply the latest quiver in their bow to attempt to do that. These people make good photographs... both lie well... both play the victim well.... and besides... the press has already worn Cindy Sheehan completely out.


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