High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shhhhhhh...... There's progress in the living room!

Don't look now but there is some progress in the living room! Yeah..... about as rare as waking up... looking out your bedroom window and seeing a Yeti petting a Unicorn in your back yard. After scaring off the Yeti by turning my cats loose (Yeti are terrified of kitties) and corralling the Unicorn in the small stable out back..... I went back to the living room and sure enough...... actual progress!

Granted it's far from complete.... but the last remaining wall finally got textured then it and the bookcase wall both got a fresh coat of paint. The paint is an odd color that Becky keeps picking out. At the store and on the paint color sample it's a light tan. Put it on the walls and it changes colors. On the bookcase wall it's a very light green. On the south living room wall it's a slightly darker green..... but on neither wall is it *any* shade of tan.

We also bought lumber to cover the two exposed ceiling beams. Most of that will be done by 1' x 12" x 12' yellow pine planks. Enough to cover the two beams and build a valance for the shades and curtains to match set us back $350!! I had no idea that yellow pine had joined gold on the short list of assets in which to safeguard your money. I'd have figured maybe a hundred bucks....... but $350? OUCH!!! Anyway the deed is done and the lumber is adjusting to the temperature and humidity of the living room right now. I don't want it changing dimensions on us after it's been cut and nailed up. Following that project is the installation of the kick molding, some crown molding and the job of getting the book cases moved and filled.

Otherwise most of the stuff around here is unchanged. Several of the outside kitties have been failing to make morning muster these past few months. The little tailless kitty we think (hope) got adopted by some local family. She was ultra cute and quite friendly. Her sister.... a sort of calico with a tail..... still arrives when the dinner bell (Becky's keys) rings out back. Also the new "Tom" seems to be a regular for the daily buffet. He has great markings and is a handsome cat..... just rather thin and shy. On the plus he *will* let you pet him.... something the baby Cali kitty will not do.

Becky finally had to take short term disability from her job. It just got to the point to where it was far too difficult for her to get around. Most of the problem still seems to be in her left hip.... which gives her absolute fits on a regular basis. Any movement at all hurts her often to the point of tears. Stand up.... lay down..... sit... walk..... move it at all and it hurts her. This, of course, hurts me as well since I hate to see my sweetheart in pain. She is, after all, the lady I want to grow old with while we keep each other company and share our love of classical music and books.

On most other fronts we're doing okay. Barely staying ahead of the bills but still in the black. We still manage to get out to dinner a few times a month..... something Becky always loves. :-) All the inside kitties are doing well. Paige is still isolated due to her genetic need to target and fight with the Calico in the living room. I hate doing that because Paige is a genuinely sweet and loving kitty in all other ways. It's just that she flat hates Cali and has to attack her every time she sees her. Amber, on the other hand, moves from inside to outside.... living room to back rooms.... and is friends with every darn cat in the house and neighborhood. If she were human she'd be the purrrrrfect Secretary of State. She just has a sense about other cats and how to approach each one. Some she can just walk right up to.... others she plays coy and lets them approach her first. Some she can chase and play fight with..... others she just sort of socializes with. She's a very unique kitty. Sara? Still daddy's girl and snuggle kitty deluxe. :-)

Well.... I got Mom to her eye Dr. this morning after two whole hours of sleep last night. Mom is fine and still going strong. Got the yards mowed when I got back from that and got laundry started too. Miss Becky finally woke up and we went to lunch at the Cotton Gin..... a good "home cooking" restaurant over in Crandall. They make chicken and dumplings *almost* like Mom used to make. :-)

Hopefully the next time I post I can also pop in a photo and let everyone know how the living room looks. It may not represent the final version..... but it will be on that path. Y'all take care of each other...... and keep one hand on your wallet and the other on your liberty. The Left seems intent on taking both away from you.


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