High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

And Bush was "stupid?"

I guess the combination Obama Apology Tour and Gaff Fest is finally over. All you had to do to tell that was watch the stock market. The numbers had been up for 6 straight days. Upon hearing the news that Air Force One had lifted off from Baghdad heading back to the United States the market took a 200 point nose dive. I guess they are glad the president is coming back, huh?

Some of you might remember all the grief “W” took while in office. The New Your Times railed against him for over a week simply because he did a “Texas thing” and, ever so slightly, nodded his head towards the Prime Minister of Japan. “Bush blunders again by bowing to a foreign head of state!” “Bush demeans office with bow!” and other such crap.

Meanwhile.... over in Europe... our ace of Statesmanship and Prince of Policy, Lord Barrack Obama, does a full blown at the waist, 90 degree BOW to the King of Saudi Arabia.

Congratulations Mr. President! As the representative of ALL American people you just demonstrated your (and by default OUR) subservience to the King of a foreign country. Correct me if I'm wrong... but didn't we fight and win a war to ensure that we'd never bow or submit to a King again? Second question. Where the HELL is all the media “outrage” over the total and complete lack of protocol knowledge from this President?

For 8 straight years we were told day in and day out how “stupid” and “embarrassing” President Bush was by the, always perfect, liberal media. He got crucified for a solid week over the slight nod of a head and yet..... if we didn't have this photo from an overseas news agency... no one in America would yet know of the colossal protocol blunder committed by our “immaculate” President Obama. Odd how gaff after gaff the press can't find how the words “stupid” or “embarrassing” might apply to this man.

I've also seen, on several web sites, an ad with the likeness of the President and a burning question. “His IQ is 125! Can YOU beat that?” Simply based on topics of common knowledge from both the campaign and this latest European tour... I think I could beat that if I was in a coma. For example... one would think that someone with an Ivy League degree in Law just might.... right off the top of his brilliant little head..... know how many states there were in the country he wished to lead.

According to our ultra smart current President “I'll be the President of ALL 57 States!” Damn! I'm sure glad of that. Does this mean that, in the very near future, American protectorates like Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines are going to be granted Statehood and have their own stars added to our flag? Pardon my low IQ but... last time I checked.... only 50 stars on that flag of ours. To be fair though... there are 57 Islamic states. Perhaps our President was just confused about what he's President of.

Also... the people of Austria were deeply saddened to learn that our dear leader doesn't happen to speak Austrian. (YO! Arnold.... Govenator of Cal-e-fornia... shame on you for not schoolin' our man Berry better before the trip. Darn.... just one simple phrase in Austrian could have saved the day here!) Oh.... just in case our liberal media failed to mention that gaff too.... Austria does have a language. However it's not Austrian.... it is and has been for many many moons.... German.

In yet another display of just how on the ball this new administration is consider this. In total defiance of several United Nations warnings about arms proliferation N. Korea launches a long range missile during Obama's speech in Europe. The “Tapeo-Dong II” (Yeah I'm serious) “hit it's designated target with extreme accuracy and precision” said the N. Korean press release. Of course they were aiming at the Pacific Ocean..... tough to hit I know... but they pulled it off flawlessly.

What was the strong and serious reaction to this act of defiance to the civilized world by the mighty United States? The Secretary of Defense (?) announce that we were going to cut back on missile defense spending and even eliminate some programs. (Whew! I don't know about YOU but that damn sure makes ME feel a LOT more safe!) Of course with the cost of Nancy Pelosi's government supplied Boeing 757 costing us taxpayers $264,000 each trip to home state and back.... we can't afford to simply waste money on frivolous expenditures like National Defense. (cost based on a 12 hours of flight time on a military C-32 (757) with a crew of 16 and an operating expense of $22,000 per hour)

Meanwhile... back at the ranch here in Texas.... I'm finally employed again. Still have pain in my back, left hip, left leg and right ankle but Wal-Mart doesn't care. Very forgiving about VA appointments too. Just let them know and they'll work around it. So if you're passing through Seagoville Texas on highway 175... whip on in to the local Wal-Mart on the east side of town and say Howdy! I'll be back in Automotive somewhere. Make ya a great deal on a set of tires!

Y'all be good to each other out there..... Prey for Obama.... God knows he needs help.....


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