High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A matter of leadership

I often wonder why it is [that] the Republican party can never seem to learn from their [many] mistakes of the past. Isn’t there an historical quote that goes something like “Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them” ? While that may not be 100% accurate in wording the salient point remains.

The current major mistake is in “hoping that Obama succeeds”.

Now why should I be upset over that? On the surface it seems bipartisan and wise. On one level… ALL Americans hope and pray that [as President] Obama is successful. We don’t want him to make mistakes. We don’t want him to get bad advice and embarrass himself or the office and [it follows] the country. We want him to serve as an example of what can be achieved in this wonderful country if you just try.

Let’s look a little deeper shall we? While it’s just fine to hope and pray the person holding the office of the President succeeds… we should, at the same time, be able to say that, if his plans and policies are flawed, we hope those plans and policies fail. That is the double edged sword that the Republicans are trying to juggle in the dark. Now I understand the reason behind their thinking. What they are thinking is by giving the democrats total free reign in policy and legislation… they [the republicans] will be totally blameless when the democrat house of cards collapses. {Give them enough rope….}

My wonderful wife, bless her heart, is a devout Liberal. (large L) Politics is the only area of our lives in which we are not in complete agreement. On the other hand how better to understand the thinking of those on the left than to actually live with one? Her insightful critique of the Republican party is spot on. “They simply do not know how to lead. They spent so many years as the minority party [nearly 50] that they completely forgot how to be in power and how to lead.” BINGO! Thank you, Honey!

Even when they are out of power democrats still act as if they ARE in power. Their attitude and agenda never changes and their advance never ceases. They are constantly on the attack and Republicans are constantly on the defensive. Most of the problem lies in the Washington behind the beltway culture. Liberalism RULES. This is largely supported by the media and their power to help or hinder a political agenda or entire party. And there can be no doubt that the main stream media is vastly liberal not only in political affiliation but also in style and tone of writing and coverage. [or lack thereof]

Everyone has some deep desire to be liked. Republicans go to Washington D.C. and find themselves surrounded by the en enemy…. Liberals. There are the obvious Liberals… those elected democrats they have been sent there to oppose. (or work with as the case may be) Then there are the stealth Liberals… the press…. The media. While freedom of the press is a constitutional safeguard they have a product to sell like every other business. Unlike other businesses though they have the public eye and ear. Turn on your radio or TV and the media is in your face. Their ideas, their editorial policy, their political philosophy and ideology is in your face non-stop. IF they were politically and morally neutral that really wouldn’t be a problem. But they aren’t and that IS a problem.

Rather than fight all these various groups and make an attempt, no matter how futile, to change some minds with reason and logic…. Republicans simply cave in order to be “liked” by the left. Sorry guys…. Those on the left will -never- like you until you have reached room temperature. Even then they will say bad things about you at your funeral. They have a track record to look at and they are not going to change.

Leadership…. TRUE leadership… often means that you WILL make enemies… you WILL step on toes and make people mad at you. If you are in a leadership position and think that your leadership skills will be evaluated based upon how many friends you’ve made or how many people like you… you’re in for a huge… slap in the face… kick in the ass kind of wake up call. The test of leadership is accomplishment. Period. If the whole world loves you but you didn’t accomplish a damn thing… guess what? You were in a popularity contest… not a leadership position.

The double edged sword I spoke of earlier is this: Republicans think [that] by going along with everything the left wants to do… when they [the left] fail the Republicans will be held blameless because they were the minority party. That is partially true. IF you are the minority party and you simply lack the votes to advance an alternative plan or agenda then you are, in fact, blameless. BUT… if you’ve caved to the left and supported their failed agenda simply to be liked and to help them shoot themselves in the foot… you don’t have a leg to stand on. Why? Because you didn’t TRY to represent US and our political wishes.

THAT is what we are looking for. Representation! As long as you aggressively support and advance the political will of “We, The People” then you will be liked and even loved by the people who matter the most. Those who voted you into office to represent US in Washington. If the Washington media doesn’t like you… don’t worry about it. They didn’t elect you. If the democrats in Washington don’t like you… don’t worry about it. We didn’t send you to Washington to be popular with them.

Please. Support the Office of the President no matter who holds it or the party affiliation they might have. THAT is the responsibility of every American citizen. That being said… it is alright to disagree with and oppose the plans and proposed policies of that President if they run counter to the core beliefs of the people who elected you to office. It’s OK to fail provided you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. We understand. It is NOT ok if you either punt on that responsibility or support the opposition because either advanced their agenda. That we will not be happy about.


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