High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

New era for military alliances

In a world fraught with danger one never can play it too safe. Militant groups around the world are increasingly able to gain access to a growing number of weapons. One must remember that weapons themselves are morally neutral. A weapon is nether good nor bad ... it simply is. So while something like an anti-aircraft missile can be a good thing if someone is flying your direction with a load of bombs and bad attitude ... it can also be a bad thing if let loose against a completely innocent target.

That brings us to the end of some rather amazing talks which have just concluded in a mutually beneficial alliance between the US Military (most notably DARPA ... Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and a Non-Aligned individual of interest. This person ... operating under the code name "Nick" ... first approached the US Military after the growing Islamic terrorist threat began to move from annoying to downright dangerous. Increasingly these terrorists were able to acquire cheap, shoulder fired, surface to air missiles from arms merchants. Since the majority of "Nick's" business depends upon reliable air transportation he needed some help from someone. Who better than the US Military?

As talks began it was soon evident, to the people originally involved in the talks, that there was a possibility for a technology exchange. Thus they wisely elected to bring DARPA into the picture. DARPA is always working on leading edge projects of a highly classified nature. Eventually the fruits of their labor make it to the general public though. However, due to the highly classified nature of their work, this can often take a decade or two. For example ... the SR-71 flew for nearly 20 years before news that it even existed was made public. By then it had served it's purpose and the disclosure of the knowledge that had been flying all that time was of no consequence.

As a result of these highly classified negotiations "Nick's" primary and backup air frames are to be outfitted with the very latest phased array radar systems. These systems are capable of scanning an area of nearly 300 nautical miles around his craft. Further a high energy carbon dioxide laser system with a rotating aiming turret is being fitted to the bottom. The radar system can track and target up to 50 active incoming threats and provide near instantaneous firing solutions for the laser defense system. Traveling at the speed of light ... the laser can target and destroy any incoming threat well beyond visible range and before it can affect any type or evasion or countermeasures. Also ... since the phased array radar is flat ... it doesn't interfere with the unique design and paint scheme of "Nick's" flight vehicles. (This was of vital importance)

In exchange for the missile defense system "Nick" has agreed to share with DARPA some of his highly advanced flight system technology. The autopilot guidance system alone is well worth the US investment in the exchange. This system works like a cross between a highly advanced global data base and a "mapquest" routing program. It is able to store and process literally billions of individual points and instantly generate the shortest route between all points in a completely logical way. These points are typically optimized so that their routing occurs at night when routine air traffic is lightest. This dovetails nicely into the current US Military doctrine of "owning the night" which has been well documented in the last two gulf wars. The point optimization factor means that our aircraft always fly the most direct route which conserves fuel and minimizes wasted pilot time.

The other prize garnered by this exchange may take a good long while to make it's way into any aircraft. (At least it will take the general public a long time to learn about it if it does!) It seems that "Nick", beside being one of the worlds leading philanthropists, likes to tinker in the realm of quantum physics ... particularly in the area of quantum space and time dilation. His research has lead him to the practical application of movement through a system that opens portals in quantum space and permits travel in a mode of switchable time dilation. This breakthrough permits "Nick" and his craft to seemingly violate Einstein's law that nothing can travel faster than light. "That," he said, "only applies in this dimension. My system permits me to slip back and forth between dimensions effortlessly. Thus I can cover a great deal of distance it what seems to be an impossibly short amount of time." DARPA officials admitted that even with the schematics and notations it might be years before they completely understood the technology.

Thus it seems that Saint Nick will be able to safely make his rounds for the foreseeable future and the US might some day be able to travel deep into space using "Star Trek" technology. Seems like a win - win situation to me.


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