High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin'

Greetings and most sincere apologies to Steve Miller for borrowing some words from "Fly Like an Eagle" Doesn't seem like that long ago for the last post. I guess being on the road a lot sort of makes the days all blur together. Right now I'm in Pharr south Texas. Literally.... Pharr is the name of the place.... about 5 miles from Mexico.... although that line too has become more and more difficult to distinguish. I mean when you're in Fort Wayne Indiana and can find several all Spanish radio stations and mucho (sorry.... couldn't help myself) billboards also in Spanish... one has to wonder if the corrupt little 3rd world country to our immediate south isn't doing a pretty damn good job of conquering our nation without firing a shot. (at least not in pursuit of war..... murders notwithstanding)

Okay... I know everyone is wanting a home improvement update! Damn surer wish I could give you one too but sadly.... not a thing has been done since I laid those tiles in the living room last summer. When I'm in the mood to try to get something knocked out Becky isn't sharing that same mood. Rather frustrating to be so damn close to done (literally two or three weekends) and we're just marking time. Winter is coming.... the little place out back has no heat other than plug in heaters and things that burn kerosene. The floor in the bathroom is shifting and the commode in there is closer to a ride at six flags than a place to conduct..... er..... "business." 50 feet south of that is a genuine house.... with solid floors.... solid commodes.... gas heat.... and all the hot water one could ever desire. It's just not ready to inhabit full time yet. This time last year my hope was to have our Christmas tree in the windows for Christmas. Guess that can be my wish for this year too. That is truly sad.

A good purpose for that frightening wiring out back came to light when a storm blew through a few weeks ago. Seems like our stellar electrician..... yeah.... the same one who put that switch on a tree out back and now it's IN the tree. Well a limb broke off and, as luck would have it, some flood lights were screwed to the limb. So rather than fall all the way to the ground and possibly injure someone.... the wiring has the limb dangling many feet above the ground. I take back all the bad things I said about that idiot and his half ass electrical work. (NAH!!!!)

Miss Rebecca continues to amaze me with her effortless weight loss. I believe she's dropped something like 60 pounds to date.... perhaps a bit more. I complement her all the time about how good she's looking and not one word is a lie..... she's looking GREAT! Meanwhile I can stuff myself like a roman orgy..... or eat a snack every other day..... either way I weigh 220. Very frustrating. What I want to see on the scales is something between 185 and 190.... perhaps 180 even. I feel really good at that weight and a certain..... "talent" is greatly enhanced too!

Well... so much for the nice stuff.... time to slip on over to Move on DOT blog and unload on those wonderfully wacky liberals. More fun than a free pass to Disney World!

Take care of each other......


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