High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Muddled Musings

I, for one, was truly happy when that global warming stuff caught up with us down here in Texas this week. Previously we'd been freezing our butts off! Frankly I'm all in favor of global warming just for that reason. I dislike being cold. Cold is something that is best kept safely locked up in refrigerators and freezers rather than set loose upon the world. Heck.... if nothing else perhaps a good warm spell will encourage more women to wear less clothing! (something I'm generally in favor of any time!!)

Of course the whole global warming thing is just full of benefits that no one wants to talk about. All anyone wants to do is use that global warming template to scare the hell out of anyone stupid enough to fall for the clap trap. If you do even a little bit of research you can find that, back in 1975, Times magazine was running scare headlines touting the coming ICE AGE! Yep! Only 30 years ago we were all about to become Popsicles. Evidence was pouring in so fast to support this claim that scientists just could not keep up with it. If we didn't do something within ten years (wonder why that number keeps popping up?) then we were just doomed to freeze to death or starve due to the lack of good growing climate. Well..... I guess we managed to do something within that 10 year window we had because we didn't freeze and didn't get to open ski lodges in southern Texas either.

And now we have just a scant 10 years to head off global warming! (At least the loonies are consistent on something) My guess is that about 30 years from now they will be screaming about the coming ice age again. But..... is global warming really a bad thing? Let's take a look.

Y'all ever see amber waves of grain waving in the tropic breezes of the arctic or Antarctic? How about Siberia? Northern Alaska? Me either. Why? Too damn cold! So right off the bat some nice global warming will do much to both extend the growing season and open up new areas for cultivation! That seems like a good thing to me and probably sounds good to anyone starving out there.

Lower car insurance rates! Yep..... and it makes sense when you think about it. Fact is that there are FAR fewer automobile accidents when the weather is clear, warm and dry. Every time is snows what do you get to see on the evening news? Video of dozens of cars skidding out of control on snow and ice. BAM!! Twisted metal and higher insurance rates. Less snow and ice, fewer accidents, lower rates! Gotta love it!

Of course the general lack of snow and ice has many other good benefits that no one talks about. Up north two big problems are deteriorated road surfaces and rusting cars and steel structures. Why? They use salts to melt the ice. The salt attacks the roads and things that move upon them. Add up the time and materials needed to spread all that salt and it's got to be a bunch. So we save all that money. Next all the rust damage to cars, trucks and trailers. That is billions of dollars annually. So once again..... money saved!

Then there is the real villain and that's the cold itself. While it's true that some people with weakened systems succumb to heat each year cold requires no such weakness. You can be healthy as a damn horse and if you are exposed to extreme cold for as little as one hour.... you're a Popsicle. More people die of exposure to cold every year than do those who die as a direct result of heat.

Those quivering in fear of global warming are the same weak minded dolts who quiver in fear over every other little bitty thing that sane people deal with in stride. It is more of a cult than anything of true scientific factuality. If there WERE some scientific basis for their ranting and raving then one would logically think that they'd be more than open to more research and investigation. Should data present them selfs that appears to point to something less drastic happening, one would think they would be pleased because the level of the threat is lower. BUT that isn't the case is it? Their side tells us flat out that the debate is OVER and we MUST accept their version of reality. They tell us that ANYONE who doesn't agree with them and their science is a heretic and a threat to humanity. As always.... one sided science is NEVER good science. Theories which are not open to testing and either validation or refutation are not really theories but personal positions. Those who fear the application of empirical evidence fear the truth.

As for the fear of global warming.... no fear here, folks. I'm stocked up on sun block and have nice lounge furniture out on the patio. Cold beer in the refrigerator, wine too! So we're ready here.

Oh..... global warming is happening..... and if will abate once the sun is done with it's periodic solar max cycle. You can do the math if you want..... strains my brain to deal with numbers that big..... but go ahead and figure the surface area of the earth that is exposed to sunlight each day. Make that in square yards to make the next part easy. Now multiply the total number of square yards by 3000 watts and you'll have roughly the total amount of energy being dumped on us every hour by the sun. Doubt me? HA!! Okay.... high noon.... take off your shoes and go stand on a nice patch of asphalt paving. Lean your bare hand against a dark colored car. Heck! Drive around with your air conditioner off. It's the SUN causing all that heat and discomfort folks, not people and not carbon dioxide. The plants of the world LOVE carbon dioxide... it's what they need to live on and grow! Bear in mind that the global warming bunch TOTALLY overlooks the sun's contribution to warming the earth..... but they aren't too bright anyway.....


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