High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Another Year

I suppose it's a sign of the times that it's the middle of January 2007 and I'm just getting around to posting some thoughts. Looks like Al Gore was right about that global warming thing..... or at least I hope he is today. 23 degrees in Dallas with freezing rain and sleet. Possibility of a winter mix this evening. If you've never been to Texas, Dallas in particular, those conditions mean that the average IQ of the motoring public drops into the negative area of the chart. These people are insane when it's perfect driving weather! The stupid starts to build if anything weather related begins to occur. And it's not just driving either. I was stunned the first time they shut down the local school system because of the frost! I remember walking to school up in Kansas to find farm tractors in the parking lot because those could make it through the snow. Farm kids weren't about to miss school. If they did it would just be a full day of chores at home so they always managed to make it.

Down here I honestly think most folks should stay home. They lack the skill and capacity to get around and just screw it up royal for everyone by trying. I drove Honey to work this morning. Okay drive because it was early and not too many folks on the roads yet. Sleet on most of the surfaces but that's okay because it offers more traction than plain old ice. Still I had to change lanes to avoid one idiot doing 360's down the highway. Passed another vehicle on it's side (I still don't know exactly how one manages that) and sat in total gridlock while two other fools blocked the entire freeway due to a non-injury accident. (Against the law down here but no one follows the law anyway so it's pointless) I'm dreading the trip back to pick her up later this afternoon but there is the prospect of lunch out so that tempers things somewhat.

I finally unplugged the landline (phone line) to the house. It was nothing but a bother. We got so many telemarketer calls that they eventually fried the modem card in my big HP all-in-one printer. All we ever used the landline for was to send faxes. Easier to have someone fax you something to sign than drive all over hell and back to write your name. I wish I could think of some way to make the telemarketers pay to buy me another nice machine like that one though. Another sign of stupid I suppose. How many times do you have to call and listen to that screaching the FAX machine makes before you eventually figure out that no human is going to pick up the phone? Enough to burn out the circuit board seems to be the answer.

On other fronts I'm still at war with both the IRS and the Veterans Administration. One (the IRS) wants my money and the other (The V.A.) owes me money. At least with the IRS I know I'm in the right and I just have to eventually submit enough documentation to satisfy them. Right now all I'm waiting for is a letter from my ex-wife and a statement from her bank that says all those direct deposits did, in fact, go into her bank account. (As if I'd just randomly send $500 a month to folks I didn't even know) I hate governmental morons. And the V.A still owes me for my medical treatment. I have an appeal filed but I suspect that I'll never hear from them since they own the money and they know it. Nice that government can avoid payment by just ignoring you. Try avoiding paying the government by ignoring them and see how that works out for you.

We started that Nutri-systems thing last month. Got crazy and bought exercise equipment too! Honey has dropped over 20 pounds so far and her biggest bitch is that she can't eat all the stuff they want her to!!! I'm down about 12 pounds and I suppose that's not too bad considering that, except for cranking the landing gear on trailers up and down, truck driving isn't all that physically demanding. I have one of those "resistance bar" home gyms now and generally have enough "weight" on it that about 5 to 10 reps is all I can manage. I want the muscle mass so I burn more calories. That too might account for my only "loosing" 12 pounds. Meanwhile the cat is up three pounds since her last trip to the vet. That's okay. She's not all that into the diet craze anyway and gets really cranky when she thinks she doesn't have enough food. Few things worse than a cranky kitty.

Well..... I think I'll go take a nap. Didn't get to sleep last night until after three and had to wake up this morning at 05:30 to make sure Honey got to work on time. I'm starting to feel cranky and I am one of the few things that's worse than a cranky kitty.


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