High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

They started the countdown!

We were in the local grocery earlier and I noticed the the cover of TIME said "Only 687 days left until the election!" It would appear that in their complete lack of bias towards any political party they just can't wait for "Bush" to be gone. I seem to remember that the previous President of the other party..... you know.... the one who had the somewhat unique cigar holder with optional suction feature...... HE was always "President Clinton" to the media. Our current President is always referred to by only a last name. They steadfastly refuse to acknowledge him as President. Anyway all their hatred for "Bush" is wasted since he's not running. That seems not to matter though. Hate Bush has been the driving motivation for the left since he was elected. (BOTH times you morons!)

As a matter of fact it would seem that hate is about the ONLY thing driving the liberal train these days. The NeoDems just can't seem to wrap their brains (or what passes for them) around the idea of a positive approach to anything. Oh..... I've decided that they get the label NeoDems from now on. (They labeled us NeoCons didn't they?) It's NeoDems because this bunch has absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of yesteryear. There's damn sure not a Harry Truman in the entire bunch! Well...... perhaps Joe Lieberman comes close.... and they want nothing at all to do with him because he actually has a spine. Standing up to evil is not a trait that is welcomed in the NeoDem ranks today. They'll take his vote but you'll notice Joe now sports an "I" next to his name now.

More and more it looks like the country is doomed. The vast left wing conspiracy has simply gotten too big to be restrained. Their evil fingers are into everything from womb to tomb and they have a vicious hatred for any opinion that differs from theirs. All the while telling us how tolerant they are and intolerant we are! As always one has to reverse all labels a NeoDem puts on a statement to get the correct view of what is really going on. The NeoDems in office are always on the mike and in front of a TV camera. (As a word of caution..... NEVER get yourself between a NeoDem and either a microphone or TV camera. They are more dangerous than cape buffalo when charging.) The Democrat Media then makes sure that all the sound bites are played endlessly. Talking heads will debate how brilliant and nuanced the NeoDems are while totally ignoring the other side of the argument. (But remember.... with Libs there IS no other side.) The ONLY time a Republican gets any air time is if he/she is completely off the Reagan reservation and speaking evil of his party or it's representatives. These people are viewed as "enlightened" until they come to their senses. (Notice how quickly John McCaine fell out of grace when he stopped being critical of the war?) That's another NeoDem characteristic. When you are no longer useful to them you are toast. (McCaine and Lieberman for example)

NeoDem hatred goes right to our founding fathers. Modern school history books devote less than one page to all the founding fathers and the creation of the constitution & bill of rights.... while former President Bill Clinton gets three! Something very wrong with that picture. Kids are taught that the founding fathers were greedy evil men who just wanted to plunder this land. They are taught to hate America because we are filled with evil corporations who only exist to pollute and destroy the earth and it's natural resources. Kids are taught to hate the Military as the greatest force of evil on the planet. Schools teach kids that their own parents don't really know what is best for them. We have gone from a nation with an excellent educational system controlled by the local communities to a government operated indoctrination system directed from the top and manipulated through the NEA union. Most college graduates today could not have gotten out of the 8th grade of the 1930's and early 40's. They are just not well enough educated to be able to have passed the 8th grade graduation test! Oh.... I almost forgot. You are still lucky if you GET to go to school. That at least means you were able to get out of the womb alive. While NeoDems constantly bemoan the loss of "innocent" life in the war on terror and Iraq they always forget to mention that they are just fine with over ten times that number of truly innocent lives being lost each year through abortion on demand. Remember that the Military is all volunteers so they are all big boys and girls and know what they are getting into. The same can't be said about the aborted. (double standard anyone?)

The key difference between the conservative side and the NeoDems is optimism! We are optimistic about the future and have absolute faith and belief in the Constitution and the free and independent spirit the American people. We believe that the best government is the least government. That applies from taxes to regulation. Automakers do not need to be told by government what kind of cars to build. That is a marketplace decision. Restaurants should not be told what sort of environment they should have or what they can use to fry foods. We understand that rights and freedom are two very different sides of the same coin. You have the freedom to go out and choose from hundreds of different places to eat dinner. The owners should have the freedom to decide about the environment (smoking or not) and dozens of other factors that affect their business. Now it gets interesting. Freedom means that sometimes people are going to do things that you don't like. (Like being NeoDems or smokers) IF you don't smoke (for example) and you go to a restaurant that is smoker friendly you DO NOT have a RIGHT to eat there and expect a smoke free environment during your visit. What you absolutely DO have a right to do is go someplace else!!!! However nanny state NeoDems believe that they are the arbiters of all that right and correct so they force their opinions on us "for our own good". Creeping liberalism! It's far worse than athlete's foot fungus and tougher to get rid of too!

Conservatives are still the majority in this country by a wide margin. The biggest problem is that we simply lack a voice for our views. Except for a few talk radio hosts no one speaks for the conservatives in this country. NeoDems, who hate opposing points of view, are talking about bringing back the "fairness doctrine" again. Basically what that means is that if you say anything that they don't agree with they want the right to have an equal amount of time to call you names and tell their twisted lies. IF, however, they say stuff WE don't agree with then we are told that it's "reporting the news" and there is no other point of view. Yeah... seems fair to me! One side controls the debate on everything..... can't possibly be more fair than that. All it is intended to do is get conservative talk radio off the air so there is no voice of opposition because the left cannot compete on a fair and level playing field. Look at Air America. (A misnomer if there ever was one!) That is NeoDem talk radio. 24/7 of nothing but hate and vitriol against the right minded conservatives on this country and everything we stand for. Popular?? They are wholly supported by private funding and have never made a profit. Should tell ya something. The left has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and everything else. The right has FOX to some extent but they are still slightly left of center in their reporting. They only LOOK right wing when compared to the totally left wing stuff of the other guys. I'd like to see and actual right leaning broadcasting network come into being. My guess is that it would dominate the airways in 3 to 5 years.

The reason for that is quite simple..... and it's also the reason that the major networks and constantly loosing viewers and getting lower and lower ratings. The "American People", as the left is always using as their crutch, are simply sick and tired of hearing nothing but negativity, doom, gloom and slant journalism that passes for news. We are tired of being lied to and told that our country sucks. We are tired of only hearing one side of every issue.... the LEFT side. We are tired of being told what and how we should think about every issue. We are tired of being berated and called stupid if we don't toe the line and do as we are told by the left. The debate needs balance and we haven't had any of that for over thirty years.


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