High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

(Sung to the Beatles tune) Back in the USSA

Sometimes it's a burden being right so often. Fortunately I bear it well. I warned y'all that Obama wasn't much more than Stalin light well before the election. Now that Washington is firmly in the grip of the left it's becoming clearer by the day just how prophetic that prediction was.

There is still a little bit of ironing out to be done but it looks like the Porkulus ("stimulus" by it's true name) bill is a done deal. Basically what that means is that were all about to be done in. At least a third of the porkulus spending bill is "Thank YOU!" money for the unions who helped get the big "O" elected. Along with that is 8.4 billion (Yes... with a B - BILLION) dollars for ACORN! Since when does the Federal Government bail out "community organization" groups? Well..... since NOW and since ACORN manufactured, out of thin air, enough votes for "O" to push him over the top. There are currently over 75 ongoing investigations concerning ACORN and their voter registration fraud issues.... but... since the democrats are in charge now.... I'm sure that they will get a clean bill of health.

Speaking of health.... the democrats managed to slip several health care "reforms" into the porkulus spending bill. One... which on the surface seems like a good idea... is computerization of all health records. (under government oversight, of course) I said on the surface that seems like a good idea and for one basic reason. Say you're in California.... you know... taking a last look before is slips off under the cool waters of the Pacific.... and you have an accident requiring medical attention. You live in South Carolina.... which is also where all your medical records are. But NOW... thanks to this legislation.... you doctor in California can just call up your records and have instant access to critical data. Okay.... so if HE can do that.... who else can? The government? Insurance companies? Potential employers? Lowest rung on the ladder... hackers. Heck... just for fun a hacker could make you a transgendered intravenous drug user with a long history of deviate sexual activity and STD's. (Ain't we havin' fun now?)

Also slipped in there is a provision for the government to "regulate" health care. Let's say your 82 year old mother fell and broke her hip. A couple of months ago you'd just take her to the hospital and have that taken care of. Geeeeee what a difference an election makes. Now your doctor will have to check with some bureaucrat to see how much care (if any) dear old mom qualifies for. You might just hear the words.... "Sorry, I'm not allowed to treat her" and be sent home. Old mom just needs to be a good sport and die rather than "waste" the tax payers money. After all... at 82 she's had a good life.... quit hogging resources that could be used on the youth old lady! Remember... this is the party of abortions. If they'll kill off a totally innocent unborn child do you honestly think they have more compassion for those who managed to survive the womb and be born?

In truth the vast majority of the porkulus spending bill won't even kick in until just before "O" is up for reelection. At the same time the Bush tax cuts will be expiring due to lack of Congressional action. However.... since Congress didn't actually pass a tax increase... they will claim no responsibility whatsoever for the hit on your wallet. (It's all Bush's fault)

As usual, democrats are trying to prove that.... the ONLY reason all these many schemes have failed in the past.... is just because the right people weren't in charge then. Engels and Marx tried Communism.... but NOW we have Obama, Pelosi and Reed! (They'll get it right! YIPPEE!!) And there is an old saying... "No nation EVER spent it's way to prosperity!" But HEY! We've got those same three stellar intellects to make that work this time too. OH!!! God takes a hit in the bill too. (no one is safe.... not even Him) Yep! Comrade Nancy slipped wording into a provision of the bill pertaining to renovations to college buildings. Any structure on a college campus can get money for remodeling..... EXCEPT buildings where students gather for prayer.

Imagine my shock at discovering that the Speaker of the House has absolutely NO freaking clue what the establishment clause means. Inaccurately referred to as the "separation of church and state" thing. Just for the record.... when the founders left England there was the Church of England. The establishment clause is in there to prevent there from being established a mandatory "Church of the United States of America" some day. The State shall not establish a church.... separation of Church and State.... get it? But over the years the liberals have rewritten history and twisted the meaning to suit their anti-God idealism. So now we're all supposed to think it means religion is bad and is not to be tolerate or condoned in ANY public area. Eventually the State will become your god and your religion.... the exact opposite of what the founders envisioned.

Also, since the big "O" has assumed office..... the government now controls the majority of the banks in America.... and is in control or at least 2/3 of the automotive industry. They are in the process of nationalizing health care and giving unions the power to intimidate people into joining via the open ballet. This shows the power of the unions. Why? Because it was these very same unions who lobbied Congress for the secret ballet many moons ago. Back then they didn't want management to know who had voted in favor of unionization. 80 some years later they want that reversed so THEY will know who DIDN'T vote for unionization. (Thank you democrats!)

If any of you are inclined to do a little research... here is your assignment. Track down the basic tenants of the original communist manifesto as written by Engels and Marx. If you go to my other blog.... moveonDOTblog and read back several months you can find it there. Otherwise just run your usual Google search and you'll find it. Once you do.... go down the list and check off everything the liberals have either already done.... or want to do while "O" is in office. You'll find it enlightening. I find it frightening.

On the home front..... we finally got tired of the fun house effect we got in the bathroom out back. Floor went up hill and down hill and you needed a seat belt for the toilet. We put down some marine grade 3/4 in plywood and it's MUCH nicer now! That and some general purpose weed n' feed on the lawns was the action this past week. OH!!! the VA finally called me in to look at my back! (Only took six months.... I'm used to that but the rest of you better start getting used to "managed" health care) Probably due to my age.... I was declined surgery and referred to the pain management clinic instead. That appointment is another month off. Good thing my back only bothers me 24/7 rather than being a full time discomfort. Wait a minute........ ah... never mind. [shrug] Becky says we'll set aside some of our tax refund for acupuncture... which worked quite well for my back pain half a dozen years ago. Pay a bill or two.... get both cars up to snuff.... maybe a nice dinner out or a weekend away.

Y'all take care of each other out there......


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