High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moving forward

Yeah... it's been awhile. You know my attitude about that.... sue me. If you want regular I'll need 65K a year with weekends and holidays off. You can send that to Paypal. I'll write every day as soon as I see the deposit.

Otherwise we're okay with the exception of a new house guest. Actually that guest has been here for a while... but we only got confirmation last week. Miss Rebecca has confirmed breast cancer in her left breast. Been there for a while but she'd been told years ago that it was just a benign lump and nothing to worry about. Turns out he was wrong.

The major mass is roughly the size of a golf ball with supporting tissue making the overall mass about the size of two grade A large eggs. A bone scan showed two "suspicious" spots on nearby bones.... but these have not been confirmed as being cancerous.

Becky has the unpleasant memory of watching both of her parents die a slow wasting death by cancer *treatment* when she was younger. Between the poison of chemo and the burning of radiation they were sick and lost weight until they were shadows of their former selves. Oddly enough their "treatment" ended at the same time as their insurance coverage and available funds ran out. They expired shortly thereafter.

It is her desire to not follow the traditional options of poison, mutilate and burn that mainstream medicine dictates. She wishes to follow a path of alternative therapy and I am 100% supportive of her and that decision.

We have done hundreds of hours of research about alternative cancer treatment and the one thing that seems to be clear is that if it is effective and NOT the product of one of the major pharmaceutical companies.... it will be attacked and destroyed by them and the FDA. (Via their monetary contributions to the political types who work there) Why support an effective therapy that works... but only costs a few dollars per treatment..... when they can charge $3500 a bag for a single round of chemo? Cancer is BIG BUSINESS and makes big money for the companies to market those "government approved" products.

Still... alternatives are available and we've selected two which we think hold the most promise for home treatment. Unfortunately they are not complementary to each other. The treatment we are using now is Protocel formula 23 which has proven to be highly effective in treating breast cancer. I'll detail how it works later. The fall back therapy is Ionic Cesium high Ph. It is very fast acting but works differently from the Protocel.

Protocel takes advantage of the differences in cellular energy production between normal cells and the abnormal cancer cells. Normal cells "burn" sugar (glucose) by chemically combining them with oxygen in the mitochondria. This is a very efficient process and generates a lot of energy. Abnormal cells tend to wall themselves off from the body and generate energy by the fermentation of sugars in a non-oxygen environment. This process is not nearly as efficient as the aerobic process normal cells utilize. Protocel takes advantage of this energy output difference.

What Protocel does is similar to chemo in that it affects every cell in the body. Chemo poisons them all and *hopes* to kill more of the cancer cells than the normal cells. (Pretty dumb) Protocel also affects every cell in the body but in a different way. What it does is uniformly lower the energy output of all cells through the reduction of ATP production. (Pointless information.... ATP..... adenosine and triphosphoric acid C10H12N5O4H4P3O9)

When the ATP level is lowered so is the cellular "voltage" of all cells. Since normal cells make lots more "voltage" than abnormal cells they are hardly affected by this change. Because the energy output of abnormal cells is much less.... if you lower their energy output by the same amount it takes them to a point at which they no longer have enough "voltage" to hold together. Thus the cancer cells "starve to death" and fall apart. Once they break up the body can eliminate them normally.

We've only been on this therapy for a week and already Becky has shown preliminary signs of what is called lysing. (Lysing... the death and elimination by the body of abnormal cells) We're augmenting the Protocel with several other products which support the method of Protocel's action on the cells. We will continue the therapy and monitor the progress.

As a fallback option we're holding a therapy known as Cesium High Ph therapy in reserve. Since this option is not compatible with Protocel it's a one or the other deal. Cancer.... once it walls itself off from the body and creates it's own environment.... lives in a highly acidic environment. Much more acidic than the normal body. Cesium is the most alkaline element known to man and, oddly enough, cancer cells have an affinity for Cesium. That's kinda like the guest of honor at a firing squad loving bullets.

The Ionic Cesium is in liquid form and you take one tablespoon full twice a day. Once in the body it is absorbed and the cancer cells suck it up like a kid inhales cotton candy at a circus. Once inside the cancer mass the Cesium quickly changes the environment from acidic to alkaline... an environment in which the cancer cannot survive. Within 24 to 36 hours the cancer cells begin to die and be eliminated.

As with Protocel this therapy doesn't harm the normal cells so there is no physical downside to the treatment. With either therapy there is NO sickness, NO throwing up, NO loss of hair or any other unfortunate side effects. Both treatments target the cancer.... and nothing else. And both therapy methods average an amazing 90+ percent recovery rate! (100% if followed to the letter) In this case recovery actually means the total elimination of the cancer. In the case of the FDA and the American Cancer Institute.... recovery means that you are still alive 5 years after starting conventional treatment. Thus if you die 5 years and 1 month after start of treatment.... statistically you're CURED! That little trick is the reason their "cure" rate numbers look so good.

Well.... I have a few things to get to around here and I have to scoot. If you are a political animal remember to check moveonDOTblog later. I'll be posting something there later on tonight.


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