High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Monday, June 15, 2009

OH! What FUN!!

Hi boys and girls. Welcome to the jungle.... or perhaps swamp is a better descriptor. We had some *serious* rain late last week. Ground hit 100% saturation within about 4 hours... but it continued to rain for another 8 easily. When you wake up in the night and the carpet is reflecting light from the bathroom.... you begin to suspect *something* might be wrong.

That something was water flowing under the door.... under the walls.... and anywhere else it could make entry. The ceiling decided to leak too.... right on a sofa. Just LOADS of fun! Needless to say our shop vac got one hell of a workout.

Not content with just flooding the sleeping area a storage space also flooded. We haven't tried to sort that out yet but I suspect a couple thousand bucks worth of our stuff is ruined. And in yet another storage area.... I discovered two rather large holes in the roof. The fool that built the space used particle board for the roof sheathing. (?????) Particle board comes apart when it gets wet.... so naturally he would figure it's okay for a roof application. Good grief!!

Meanwhile we also lost several tree limbs and part of one tree. The chain saw also saw its share of extra duty. It's an old electric chainsaw and honestly I'm surprised that it's still working. I quit using bar oil in it 5 or 6 years ago because the lubrication method it uses is constant drip. (Most chain saws employ a push button pump to lubricate the chain and bar) Thus when you're done sawing it will keep dripping oil on the bar until the tank is empty. I got tired of the mess.

Now the heat wave is on. Temps in the upper 90's which, for Texas, isn't too bad really. Of course right after all the rain the humidity really sucks. The other thing that came with the heat was mosquitoes. Walking outside is like going to the local blood bank and donating... only this itched more. Not unusual to have 15 to 20 on you at a time. Kinda like visiting northern Alaska or north central Russia in the summer time. (Actually.... both of those places are much worse)

Cat wise we did have a new addition. Our little tail-less kitty, Amber, came up missing for several days a while back. The other inside kitty, Paige, was all depressed because her buddy wasn't around to mess with. We went to the pound and found a Calico that was on "death row". She had obviously been an inside cat at one time because she was de-clawed. My guess was that she was at least 6 years old and just starving for attention. We took her home.

At home Paige was looking for another playmate... not a "grandma" kitty. She got too close too fast and Kali smacked her upside the head. She (Kali) then spent the next 5 weeks holed up in the middle bedroom coming out only to eat, drink and use the litter box. Meanwhile Paige is doing as close to a stalker act as she can get away with.

On the bright yet unexpected side Amber showed up at the back door the day after we brought Kali home. Paige was pleased because she and Amber are about the same age and size and love to play together.... so they were quickly back in their old routine. Kali finally got comfortable and spends much more time in the living room now. She's either in mom's chair or on top of mine. She likes to sit up on the headrest and tickle my neck with her tail. Dad doesn't mind. She's a love sponge kitty with a really good purr motor.

Otherwise mom and I are doing pretty well. Getting older seems to be finally catching up with us though. More stuff seems to hurt more of the time than even just a few years ago. Her knees and hips have been hurting her for some time now. My right knee is starting to complain about me standing most of the day now. That and I seem to have cramps in my legs and feet almost every night. THAT I find most annoying. I even take muscle relaxers at night and they don't seem to do anything.

I need to go work on the laundry before I hit the sheets for the night. Before I go just one little bitty political question for y'all..... How's that Hope and Change working out for ya?

Y'all take care of each other out there...


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