High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What if?

It's one of those questions that not too many folks even ask anymore. I suspect that it might be because the answer(s) would require a lot of heavy mental activity (previously known as thought) and that might be painful. That last effect is due to the success of the liberal education system which has almost completely eliminated thinking from the "education" process.

I still remember a professor stating at the start of a semester that he didn't want to hear OUR thoughts.... all he wanted on tests was what the author of the text book thought. We got into a short discussion which ended in me getting up and dropping the text book on his desk and telling him I expected an A for the course because the answer to any question he could possibly ask was in there and it was therefore unnecessary for me to be in the class. I was not about to waste either my time or my money attending a class which was NOT going to challenge me to think and defend my conclusions.

So.... are you ready to hurt your brain? The start of the question is "What if" and I'm going to follow that with something you never want to think about. It all goes to hell in a hand basket. What if it all goes to hell in a hand basket? The left, Obama and his ilk, are successful and destroy the proud experiment known as the United States? What if society breaks down and anarchy reigns supreme. As Ronald Reagan pointed out..... if America fails.... we have nowhere to run to.... nowhere to go. People come here because there is hope and opportunity. What happens when those are destroyed? Do you have a plan?

When we met my lovely wife was, in her words, "A yellow dog Democrat." For the younger crowd that's an old slogan of the left which basically means that they would cast their vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican. She isn't yet a Rush convert but she never misses a single Glenn Beck show these days. In her words again... "The people in power now frighten me!" and that's saying a lot considering she used to work in the House of Representatives.

We're fortunate in a couple of ways. One is that we already enjoy camping out. We've gone camping in December! Yeah it's cold.... but so what? Deal with it. We also like places that other people tend to avoid. We think camping in the desert is NICE! We're both pretty resourceful people and enjoy the challenge of dealing with the adversity that environment provides. Face it... deserts are NOT nice places and they do not offer a whole hell of a lot by way of creature comforts. Thus..... most people tend to avoid them in favor of "nicer" places.

Becky and I recently bought another tent so we're good there with a total of three now in various sizes. We have at least two of everything. Camping stoves? Two, two burner units and one single burner unit. Propane? We're well stocked.... probably 6 months worth cooking two meals a day on a stove. (Longer if we use a campfire for some cooking) Food? We've been stockpiling freeze dried food (Mountain Home) for over a year now. It keeps for eternity and all you have to do is add hot water to the bag and wait a few minutes... then eat right from the bag. All we need now is water.... and we have visited several sites which have water in two forms... river or creek..... and spring.

I have two radios..... two walkies for short distance communication.... two GPS units...... three lensatic compasses multiple maps of various kinds.... an assortment of blade weapons..... lighting of various types right down to candles in windproof holders. We add to the stockpile on a weekly basis..... more long life food.... batteries.... toilet paper..... medicine.... anything we might need in order to survive for an unknown length of time in the most inhospitable location you can imagine.

I still need to acquire one more long weapon and the arsenal will be pretty complete. My preference is for a good old trusty AK of American manufacture. Why? If you ever had to face one you wouldn't ask. They are stone cold reliable and have good knock down power. You can drop one in a mud puddle... pick it up and it will fire. Drop it in the sand.... pick it up and it will fire. Same with water, snow or any other condition you can think of. It's a good solid weapon with reasonable accuracy and universally available spare parts and ammo. (It is THE most manufactured weapon on the planet) It breaks down to just FOUR parts for field maintenance and cleaning..... *very* simple and easy to operate.

Which brings us back full circle..... What if? Do YOU have a plan of any kind? We do. And if we are lucky and real Americans get back in control of the government.... and the risk of anarchy goes back into the basement.... Becky and I are all set to go camping anyway. Nothing wasted.

Y'all take care of each other.......


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