High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life On Hold

Been a while... sorry for that. Sometimes real life has a way of getting in the way of doing other things. I write on here when I have time to devote to it.... and also to get things off my chest. It started out as a way to mark progress on the house remodeling.... but that's going so slow as to be impossible to notice.

The title of the blog.... High Desert Hideaway..... was supposed to signify my dream to eventually retire to such a place. Becky and I both dearly love the desert. Yes it's hot and dry and dusty and barren. Yes it filled with things that sting and bite and plants that stick you with big ol' thorns. Those are simply things one has to accept before one can see the beauty beyond those things.

You see..... we're both very independent people.... even at our ages. We're quite accomplished at a number of things including survival..... construction.... and making do with what we have to work with. The desert challenges you to adapt to it.... you cannot change it. You learn to adapt to the heat in the summer and the bone chilling cold that comes with winter.

In the high desert there is also the dramatic change that happens at sunset. The air is dry and, therefore, not prone to holding heat well. On a clear day you can feel the chill begin the instant the sun sets. Temperature swings of 60 degrees are not uncommon at all. Tee shirts during the day and heavy coats at night.

You learn to measure your pace during the heat of the day so as not to over exert in the heat. You learn to drink when you are NOT thirsty.... because when you are thirsty it's too late. You learn to shake out and look inside your shoes in the morning.... so as not to slip your foot into the hiding place of a large spider or scorpion. If sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag you may be visited by a snake seeking warmth. Deal with it.

Towns are few and far between and generally located near a source of water. It's not uncommon to live 50 miles or more from the nearest town. When you do go to the store you make *sure* you have everything before you drive off. Forgetting a loaf of bread means another 100 mile round trip and 1/3 of a tank of gas... not to mention the time involved. None of those things bother us at all.

The simple truth is that the high desert..... deserts in general.... strike the majority of people as barren and hostile places.... uncivilized and unwelcoming. Therefore the majority of people choose to perhaps visit.... but prefer to live in big cities. That means that only people like us... those who can see and appreciate the beauty of this wonderful place... and are willing to adapt... will be willing to make this place a home.

It means...... peace. It means sun rises that are inspiring. It means sunsets that confirm your deeply held belief in God.... for only God could create such beauty and vibrant colors. It means cold crystal clear nights with stars down to perhaps the 7th magnitude twinkling in the sky. Glittering jewels of sparkling brilliance scattered on a backdrop of black velvet that inspires nothing short of breath taking awe.

Our dream has been to eventually retire in the desert of south Texas. We both deeply love everything about that part of the state. Sadly we may have to change our plans.

The people in charge in Washington DC have chosen to destroy this country. They have decided to tax us into poverty so they can spend our great grand-children into serfdom. They wish to extinguish the beacon of hope and freedom that American has been for the world in order to satisfy their own greed and desire for power and control over us. I fought to free people from the yoke of tyranny..... not to shoulder one myself. The yoke of tyranny is one that neither I nor my wife will ever bear.

While we still dream of retiring to the high desert.... if these people remain in power it will not be the high desert of North America. In my other blog.... MoveOnDOTblog...... I warned anyone who might be reading what would happen if Obama and his ilk gained power. They have exceeded my greatest fears. Even my wife now FEARS the government. I will not have her living in fear. The desert we love begins far south of the Rio Grand and extends up into El Norde. Have you ever seen pictures of Copper Canyon in Mexico? It's beauty calls softly..........



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