High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Which Way Is Up?

Hey gang! Over on the cancer blog is an update on Becky's progress. Surgery on the 8th of March to remove what we suspect is simply a dead mass from her left breast. Well..... actually pretty much the entire left breast is going bye-bye which will save me one entire letter when I see her coming out of the shower from now on. After the 8th it will be "Nice tit!" I make light of the situation simply because it really doesn't matter to me if she's got one, two or none. Becky is what is important to me.

What's with the title this time around? Well.... in case you've been living under a rock lately.... the world isn't exactly all sunshine and lollipops right now. Unrest all over the middle east and parts of Europe..... some of which has spread to our country now. Superficially it appears to be a spontaneous uprising by the people..... who have finally figured out they aren't quite getting a good deal from their governments...... and that's how it's intended to look too. Inspect more closely and you'll find unions, communists and socialists in the background pushing things along. It all boils down to the same thing..... a very small group of elites think THEY know what is best for the rest of us.... and want ALL the power for themselves.

SO! What the heck does that have to do with me? Let me answer that question with another. How certain are you of *your* future? Sure you have plans..... but what happens if these lunatics get their way? Their agenda is a damn short one containing two letters repeated over and over again: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! In even plainer English it's "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too!" So how do you plan for the future when some jerk weed is out to take it all from you if they gain control? Yeah..... kinda tough.

Around here our main focus (right after Becky, of course) is our house. While it's a pretty messy work in progress right now it's probably the last place we'll live too. It needs a lot of work yet.... which means a fairly large infusion of labor and money. So.... with the world and now the United States seeing all this unrest and violence spreading...... how exactly does one prioritize one's life and goals? Is it practical to invest 12 to 20 thousand dollars in remodeling a kitchen if you're uncertain if there will be a functioning infrastructure in another couple of years? (I'm assuming that if you're reading this you're comfortable with big words...... if, however, you're a first time reader.... or a product of the liberal state school system... that means what if there is no more gas for the stove or water coming our of the faucet or electricity to turn on the lights....... okay)

This is a problem but it's just like a coin and has two sides. Uber-Liberal states will likely suffer the most damage while the more conservative states will see less. This can be traced back to the ideological differences between those two factions. Liberal don't tend to be good at thinking and live highly emotional lives. They tend to not be very good at doing difficult things for themselves and prefer to turn control of their lives over to government so they don't have to worry about the details. Conservatives don't care for a lot of government in their lives and are not afraid of hard or dirty work. They tend to less emotionally driven and more thoughtful about things in general. Except for issues like national defense and making treaties with other nations.... conservatives are the "I'll handle it" bunch.

Thus while the east and left coast could have some serious issues in the near future I tend to be not all that worried about Texas as a whole. Yeah the big cities are places where liberals tend to take over and run things.... and usually do a half ass job of it too.... but taken as a whole Texas today is not unlike the Texas of old. We're a fiercely proud and very independent bunch who doesn't need big government getting in our way. In fact Texas is one of the few states which could get along just find on it's own.

So on the one hand it looks bad if you watch genuine news on TV..... but if you're in Texas things may not get too nasty. Even if there are small pockets of stupid liberals, socialists, communists and union thugs....... the message they will get is that there are a LOT more of US than there are of them. And we're not going to roll over and play dead while they take away our freedom, rights and liberty either!

When the weather warms up we'll probably start off the spring by completing a wood fence across the front of our property in line with the house. This is half for privacy and half for security. On the security side we care for half a dozen "stray" cats and they have a safe haven in our back yard. Certain city "officials" think that they have the "right" to trespass in order to capture these little joys so they can haul them off and kill them. The fence will ensure our little guests have safety. And a month or so ago Becky opened the back door to find a guy leaning on my smoker! She asked what he thought he was doing and he calmly replied that he was waiting for Dan. Becky said she was going back inside to get her gun so he had a minute to find somewhere else to wait for Dan..... and he left. She was bluffing as she didn't have a gun.... then. She does now though..... I made sure of that. The fence will stop events like that from happening again too.

Last week we ordered new front and back doors for the house. solid core steel doors. They will be here the first week in March. IF the weather is nice I'll tackle the rear door first for practice so when I take on the front door I'll have learned the little tricks to make it go more smoothly. I plan to tear out everything down to the concrete deck..... brick walls.... and 2x8 headers and go back with all new pressure treated lumber. These new doors serve the primary purpose of getting in and out of the house if you live here.... and also as strong secure barriers if you don't. I plan to install them in such a way that they cannot be breached without explosives. (That means you can't hit them or kick them or hit them with a battering ram and knock them open)

I suppose the bottom line is that while the world seems to be in meltdown mode right now.... one simply can't put their life totally on hold waiting for things to sort themselves out. You have to keep on living.... taking care of the important things and people in your life.... and proceeding in the hope of a fairly normal future. America was formed by a bunch of radicals who didn't care of all that regal power being lorded over them. The idea *was* a radical one too.... that people could actually govern themselves! This had never been done before so there wasn't a track record of success. But the people who came here were different in that they believed in that idea and in themselves too. But even the founders realized that a government was a necessary evil that had to be kept in check if true freedom were to exist. Today we have strayed too far from that concept and we need to reverse course and return to our true roots. Change will not be easy either..... but hey.... didn't our current President win office on that message alone? Change!


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