High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Friday, October 04, 2013

Nearing the end

The association with Dallas is finally drawing to a close. On October 5th we make the last trip down there to check the work on the house, do a final cleaning (if needed) and pack the least of the items we'd left there for convenience reasons. I may have to make one more trip after this for paperwork related to the ultimate sale but at least I can drive the Lincoln for that. It gets MUCH better fuel mileage than the big Excursion and gas is much cheaper than diesel too!

Up here the weather got pleasant enough for me to start work on the windows on the house. I found one window so far with severely rotted wood that will have to be replaced. For the time being I have shot low expansion crack filler foam into the voids and painted on some waterproofing in t hope of staving off additional decay. Ultimately, however, all the windows will have to be replaced as the majority of them are gassed and none have the built in UV and Infrared filtering barriers. With the number of windows in this house.... we're looking in the neighborhood of $30K. It's probably going to be something we're going to have to accomplish on a onesy ~ twosy basis where we start with worst windows and go from there.

When I have a chance to get into storage and dig my table saw out I need to find some wood and another really nice day and replace the entire threshold on the upstairs emergency exit door. Again a case where they did not use the proper wood (not naturally weather resistant and not pressure treated for exterior usage) and what it there is falling apart. That is permitting wasps and other insects to get in as well as causing leaks under the right rain conditions. I just need a day where having that door open a majority of the day is not going to have an impact on either heating or cooling of the upstairs space.

As always Lanita "stresses" over my working on all these projects. I keep trying to assure her that I'm not doing a darn thing that I personally don't feel like doing...... but she still stresses. She is diametrically opposite of me in that regard. If I know with ontological certitude that I can affect a situation in a positive manner then fine. If not.... then you're not going to find me wasting time or energy "stressing" about it. Since that activity cannot make any difference..... why bother?

I need to hit the shower and get some sleep. We need to leave here rather early in order to have a reasonable amount of time to work down in Dallas. Also..... a sad anniversary is coming next week. The 9th will mark one year since Becky's passing. Lanita has taken the day off and we're going to drive to Caprock Canyon state park and scatter Becky's ashes there...... as she wished. That will officially mark the end of my earthly duties to her as her husband. She will always be loved and I will always miss her..

Y'all be good and take care of each other....


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