High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

My Photo
Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day update

Good morning everyone! Lots of hot dogs..... hamburgers....... perhaps even steaks...... potato salad and likely a good quantity of beer is going to be consumed this weekend. Enjoy every bite of the food and every drop of the beverages too! With liberals in power it's a LOT easier to forget that this weekend has meaning FAR beyond the feasting. In graves both marked and unmarked all around the globe are the bodies of the hero's of an almost forgotten generation. 
More than half were still in their teens when evil threatened the world and they responded to that threat. Most made it home and quietly went about making a life for themselves and their families. They didn't talk much about what they experienced....... that's not the kind of people that generation was. The old man in the house on your right could have earned several purple hearts..... a bronze of silver star for bravery...... even a Medal of Honor...... and you might never know. The widow to your left might have that neat triangle of a flag tucked away safely....... all she has left of the brave man who threw himself atop a grenade to save his buddies in a muddy trench on some long forgotten field in Europe.

These brave men and women made up the last generation of true Americans. Their backgrounds were American Indian...... Italian...... German...... English...... French..... Polish..... Greek..... and dozens of other nationalities...... all made one in that great melting pot called America. "Yes.... I came from Greece..... but I am AMERICAN now!" People came from all over the world for the opportunity to *become* an American. Sure they kept traditions from their home nations..... but back then we did not have hyphenated Americans. Just like a big pot of stew.... everyone who desired to be an American added their own unique flavor to the pot as they assimilated into being one people in their new homeland.
That is how it used to be..... before liberalism..... multiculturalism.... and whatever other "ism" you can toss into the mix. Liberals now tell us we are wrong to be proud to be Americans. It's better to come here..... refuse to assimilate into the American culture...... keep your own culture and language... wave your own flag...... all the while living like newborns suckling at the teat of big government..... dependent upon it for everything. Now we have very few Americans left. What we are now is a bunch of sub-categories with labels so that we can all be easily typed and divided into government approved groups. It all started with African-Americans...... then Mexican-Americans.... and so it followed that you could not BE just an American any more.... you HAD to be a hyphenated American now. Being a hyphenated American makes it far easier for government to target you and pander to you so as to assure themselves that you vote for the right party in the next election. If there are only Americans..... then government is in the tough position of having to do what is right for the whole country! We can't have something like that happening in this country now..... can we?

As usual I sort of twisted off a bit..... deal with it. I am not a hyphenated anything. I'm an American. Period. My ancestry might have been German or English many generations removed..... but I was born here..... reared here...... educated (rather than indoctrinated) here...... put on two different uniforms for this nation and served its interests on several continents..... all with pride and honor.... just like that last generation of TRUE Americans. 

At some point between the burgers and the beers...... the jokes and games...... please be sure to pause for a moment and reflect upon the fact that without the brave men and women that our Veterans hospitals are ignoring...... and who are buried in countless marked and unknown graves around the world...... you would NOT be able to party this weekend. Quite possibly you'd be speaking German, Japanese, Russian or Chinese.  The Stars and Stripes would have been banished from the rewritten history books as would the very founding of this nation. The Ten Commandments would have been forbidden as would the celebration of ANY religion which the state did not approve of. Our freedom of speech would be gone...... our right to keep and bear arms.... GONE....... freedom to be secure in both our person and our papers and our homes..... GONE. 

While you're reflecting on all the freedoms those before us fought, bled and died to insure that WE get to have today........ also reflect honestly upon the actions of those in government today. Our history is being rewritten by the left..... our education system has been hi-jacked by the left and starts indoctrinating our children in pre-school and never lets up. Our media.... which was intended to serve the people as their watchdog and guardian of freedom has been taken over by the leftists and only feeds us that which supports the agenda of the left. The secular left fights daily to ban our religious freedom and our right to believe and worship as WE choose...... they demonize us for our faith in "fairy tales" of Jesus and his Resurrection. They so hate the symbol of His suffering for us that they ban it from public display and view..... removed it from memorials. They say that God's Commandments for us to live by are unconstitutional and cannot be displayed in public...... even though the Constitution and the 1st amendment to it guaranteed that we were to be FREE of  an oppressive government interfering with our right to practice religion as we choose. 
I'll leave you with a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes. The verse is 10:2    "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."