High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

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Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Okay... I'll admit that it's not bumper sticker quality like the "Let's Roll" saying made famous on 9/11... however it is descriptive of my style. As I write this I'm about 20 miles south of Rockford Illinois. Since my assigned region is Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana... how the hell I wound up here is a total mystery. That or dispatch is geographically challenged. (I strongly suspect the latter) Of course one of the finer points of sitting in this location is that I naturally packed for my assigned territory. That would be fairly warm this time of year with nights dipping into the middle to upper 60's. So I'm out working last night in my light weight short sleeve shirt and it's 38 with a nice little breeze. Invigorating I suppose is kind. My dispatcher owes me big time for this.

Polls. Damn I'm tired of those things. Polls are nothing more than push "journalism" and I use that word in quotes very lightly. Journalists actually investigate stories and issues. They compile facts and consistently answer the who, what, when, where, why and how questions that provide what we need to know to have an informed opinion. One reading a story by a true journalist should never be able to tell or even suspect the political leanings of the author.

Now kindly ask yourself this question: When was the last time I read or heard a news story when I could not tell the political leaning of the reporter? I'm pushing 59 years of age and my memory of news goes back to the middle 60's. Political slant was clear and obvious even then so I'm sure the majority of you have never read a true unbiased journalistic piece. That is a very sad commentary on the state of the news business.

For example... in 1994 when the Republicans gained control of the house and senate... every broadcast network was opening asking the question "What do the Democrats have to do to get their power back?" The question was forwarded on every news cast for months and months on end. The media was openly concerned and distressed. Now... ask yourself this: Since the Democrats took control of the house and senate how many broadcasts have you heard where the question was asked "What do the Republicans have to do to get their power back?" Just to save you the research time... the answer is absolutely zero. No media bias? If you'll buy that I have some lovely ocean front property in Kansas I'll sell you.

While I'm on this little rant let's see exactly what the voters are getting for their loyalty to the democrat party. Black Americans have been voting democratic for years because that party panders to them and keeps telling them that only by voting democrat can they ever hope to have anything worthwhile in this horrible country. Since the 1950's until this very day the black community has been buying that line wholesale, voting democrat, and all the while bitching about the exact same problems each and every year. Yep! in 2007 the blacks in America are still complaining about the same problems the democrats said they'd fix in the 1950's. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.... well... you know the rest.

How about national security? Truman and Kennedy were the last two democrats with the backbone to defend this country. Since then the entire party has been moving farther and farther to the left. They are now so far to the left that they have to look right to see Vladamir Putin of Russia! This is the party who actively worked for US defeat in Vietnam in the 60's and 70's. They succeeded grandly! 2.5 million people died as a result of their wonderful victory too. Outside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, there is a tower roughly 35 feet high with glass walls. Staring out through empty eyes are the skulls of well over 10,000 people who paid the price for democratic spinelessness and lack of resolve in the face of difficulty. These represent only a small fraction of the total number of people slaughtered there. Laos and, of course, Vietnam also lost hundreds of thousands of people for the crime of hoping to breathe free. Today they again work tirelessly for the defeat of America on yet another battlefield. The lessons of the past are wasted on people to refuse to admit their mistakes... and their mistakes are legion!

When you vote... don't you vote based on what you stand for? Don't you try to vote for people who reflect you values, concerns, goals and ideals? If that is the case then why would anyone vote democrat today? What do they stand for? #1 they stand for our defeat and humiliation in Iraq. Doesn't matter if you agree with the war or not. The point is that once our troops are committed you DO NOT openly work towards their defeat if you are an elected Representative.

They stand for higher taxes! Even though history has proven time and time again that when you lower taxes two things happen. First is that the economy takes off and thrives. Second is that revenue to the government increases dramatically! It happened for John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. It's simply economics yet the democrat party cannot see the facts... or wish not to see them. Why? Control. Taxes is how they affect control over the population. They hate smoking.... look at cigarette taxes. They hate you having a car and being able to go where you want, when you want while driving what you want. Look at fuel taxes. They hate successful businesses. Look at the punitive taxes aimed at them to punish them for their success. They hate the rich and successful... especially if you worked hard to earn the money. Look at the progressive income tax schedule where the top 10% of taxpayers pay over 80% of all the income tax collected. Punishment for being successful.

They stand for socialism. While they won't admit it... Liberals never admit to their real agenda... all you have to do is look at their record. Listen to what they say. Mrs. Bill Clinton in one of here campaign speeches saying about the oil companies "I want to take those profits" and meaning every word. Why did she want to take them? To "invest" in things she felt were important. Never mind the fact that government already makes 5 times more pure profit on a gallon for motor fuel than the people responsible for getting it from the ground to your vehicle. That's not enough for democrats... they always want more. How about nationalized health care? Do you really want folks like work at the IRS or Social Security being in charge of you staying healthy? Before you buy that line of crap do your own research into how that's working in other countries. Don't read the first thing at the top of the search page... read dozens. Soon a common thread will surface and that is that it costs far too much and provides far too little. In other words..... it's government. Name one government program that operates efficiently and on or under budget. You can't. Why would nationalized health care be any different?

The waffle party. Democrats. In the late 90's when Bill Clinton was in office... he and every single democrat in office all were on message. Saddam Hussein was a threat to the region and the world. He had weapons of mass destruction... was seeking nuclear weapons and had to be removed from power. EVERY elected democrat was saying that! Today they all claim there were never WMD's and the world would be safer if Saddam were still alive and in power. So why the 180 degree change in belief? Simple. Bill Clinton was just talking. Sure he fired two missiles but that was it and the party knew he'd do little more.... so the rhetoric was safe and easy. George Bush is elected and he gets the job done that the democrats only wanted to talk about... and it pisses them off. The war now is a case where if it's successful it makes the democrats look bad politically. If it's a failure then they can pin that on President Bush and claim they were right all along. Which party is actively working towards our failure? In the General Petraous hearing.... can you tell me how many democrats asked the General... "What can we do to help you and your troops succeed and win victory?" The shocking answer? Zero. Not one single democrat had any interest at all in the US winning. None. What does that say about them? Nothing good.... that's for certain.

Well... time to hit the road. Just remember.... it's YOUR country... not the people in Washington DC. They work for YOU, not the other way around. If they are not doing the job you want them to then next election cycle.... put someone in there who will.