High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

My Photo
Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Semi regular update of sorts for anyone who gives a damn

Ahhhh..... the tranquil waters of the blogosphere. Land of a thousand liberal lunatics and one lone voice of logic and sanity. No political editoralizing this time.... not here anyway..... well.... perhaps just a little.... Check my other blog (moveONdotblog) for political views this week. Nope.... this is just plain old boring update stuff about the house. I'm doing other stuff so I'll be typing very slowly...... which means you don't have to read real fast to keep up with me tonight. (a genuine benefit to victims of the modern liberal education system)

Last weekend, Memorial Day, we stayed home and worked on the yard. No the interior of the house isn't finished yet..... but we wanted a break from that so outside got our attention. After three days of hot, sweaty, back breaking labor......... those short brown folks from slightly South of here seem to be a better idea all the time. Not a rude comment or anything of a slanderous nature..... just a fact. Real simple...... a couple of healthy young men trying to make a better life for themselves and their families are much better at getting that sort of thing done than an pair of past 50 old farts. Granted I'd be a much happier camper if they were here legally...... but with 90 degree heat, no shade and humidity hovering in the middle 60% range.... I'm not about to go checking paperwork..... yanno?

Anyway..... we hacked out about 10 square yards of sod and got a bunch of native plants stuck into the freshly amended soil. There are even some herbs for cooking later on when they get all big and grown up. Rosemary, Chives, Sage and some sweet peppers. It's a start. Whilst digging we happened upon some sandstone rocks buried about 4 inches deep beside the driveway. I guess they started out on top of the ground (why bury rocks?) but had just migrated downward over the years. Nice find! They were nicely weathered with striking color..... so after pressure washing they all found new homes above ground in the new planters. After that some decorative lighting was added to complete the package. Looks pretty damn nice even if I do say so myself....... and I do!

The back yard is next in line for some attention. We did add a small water feature though. Makes sitting on the patio in the cool of the evening very enjoyable indeed. We're eventually going to add some accent lighting in back too but that is a ways down the road. We don't buy the little "Malibu" light kits that are so weak you have to light a match to see if they are on. We get architectural grade metal fixtures that generally run about $20 a pop. Do the math..... Malibu lights.... set of a dozen with power supply for about $38 bucks...... OR the good stuff that you can actually appreciate once they are installed. 300 watt power supply with lots of timing options runs about $80. 100 feet of 12 ga. wire about $30 and lights are between $20 and $35 each depending upon purpose. Yeah it's expensive.... but like your mama told you... it pays to buy the good stuff.... you'll never be disappointed later.

Otherwise.... life is good in general. That's a given since poll after poll clearly indicate that, as a group, conservatives are much happier than liberals. Like Ronaldus Magnus said..... "For conservatives every day is the 4th of July...... for Liberals every day is April 15th." I often wonder what it must be like to wake up every morning and have nothing to look forward to but hate and rage at everything around me. I think the best option for liberals is to just shoot themselves. NO! wait..... I remember them saying that letting Terry Scheivo starve to death was a "beautiful and peaceful" way to die. Fine.... Libs..... please stop eating and drinking and have a beautiful and peaceful departure. No one will miss you and once you're all gone.... the massive blast of hot air you've been spewing for decades will cease.... and there well find the "cure" for the aledged "global warming" problem. It's wonderful how that works.

Y'all be nice to each other out there........