High Desert Hideaway

Mullings and thought on topics of various types. The easily offended and those who do not know how to think logically should probably quit reading here.

My Photo
Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Crusty old medically retired Vietnam Veteran. USN Special Warfare, Various US Army postings with the last being Ft. Bragg. Recently Ordained as a Minister and happily living at my High Desert Hideaway number 2. I'll build #1 when we hit either the PCH big check or Sweetie hits the Lotto. :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy 2006!

Tough to believe that it's 2006 already. Seems like only yesterday that the entire world was going to end when 2000 arrived on schedule. I was ready for that event too. Yep... I packed up all my camping gear and staked out a nice piece of land on top of a hill next to a really nice little lake. I mean hell.... if civilization as we know it is going to end.... good idea to have a great vantage point to watch the collapse don't you think? Well..... we all know what happened.... absolutely nothing. Just another year gone by and another one ahead. On the good side, however, a new Dilbert calendar to go through!!

I'm in a mood to just ramble a lot tonight. Some folks think that's what I do a majority of the time and that's okay. Genius is tough to follow so it looks like rambling to a lot of folks. The problem comes from having a mind that refuses to be contained and focus on one specific task. Sometimes it's nice to have that laser like focus...... like when placing a bright red dot on a terrorist forehead while sighting over a really nice custom fit .308 for example. However even then one still has to maintain a sense of environment. Looking through the scope but listening for sounds all around that may or may not indicate that a problem is about to develope. Too much focus can be a bad thing sometimes.

There was a clever commercial on the radio last year. It asked several fairly weird questions to a lady who provided the answers. For example..... if a dog goes back in time and bites it's own tail..... when will he feel it? Another was..... What is the square root of blue? Her answer was orange. That got me thinking.... which is always dangerous.... what IS the square root of blue? I suppose that depends a lot on the shade of blue so I used a nice standard middle of the road color of blue. We all remember from school that light is just a frequency that our optical receptors happen to be sensitive to. And we all remember that visible light is just a tiny fragment of the much larger electromagnetic spectrum. Okay.... perhaps we all don't remember that stuff but I do. Anyway I picked a shade of blue that registered in at 4000 angstroms. Convert that to a frequency and we get a lovely blue at 695057.5 ghz. (If your brain is starting to fog over just slam a shot of good whiskey and hang on a bit longer... the pain is almost over.) And as we all remember the square root of a number is a number that, when multiplied by itself.... results in the original number..... in this case that is 695057.5 ghz. So the square root of blue can't be orange because the frequency is all wrong.... it's still in the visible spectrum but it is moving in the right direction. Oh... the square root of blue is 833.701 ghz. (rounded off) Which puts it in the infared range... and the low end of infared at that.

One more of lifes mysteries solved for you! See... that wasn't nearly as bad as a root canal without anesthetic! Yeah... I know... I'm a warped and twisted pup. That's okay though.... it's probably a lot more fun living in my world than it is in yours because of that fact. Certainly it's more interesting at times. Some of you probably heard that same commercial but did any of you think about the correctness of the question or answer? Probably not.... which was the intent of the maker I'm sure. When they ask for the square root of something everyone expects that "something" to be a number.... not a color. And the average person would never think to equate a color with a number.... or frequency. But just for the record..... the square root of any visible color is something in the infared range..... just in case anyone asks.

Does anyone have a cat? We have one here and she is also a pretty "interesting" little varmit. Way back in Egyption times cats used to be worshiped.... a fact that cats have never forgotten. Ours has attitude that would make an NFL linebacker proud! Five o'clock in the freaking morning and this critter takes a long walk up my leg until she is standing on my chest.... then gets her cold little nose on mine and starts purring up a damn storm. The message is..... "You may pet me now!" She's not stupid.... she knows "daddy" really likes her so the odds of her taking a backhand followed by a bank shot off a wall are pretty damn low. Besides.... I'd been awake since the first paw landed on my leg so the cold nose was not a surprise. Also.... she's figured out that she is the only cat on the block that is not named "target."

House wise we're still making slow but slow progress. I few tiles put down here.... a wall or ceiling painted there.... stuff like that. Be really nice to just have an open budget (and the bucks to back it up) and just get all this stuff contracted out and done so we can just live here like real people. (I almost said normal people.... but we'll never be that!) However... even if it is going slow there is a nice level of pride involved in knowing that you're doing it all yourself.... AND it actually looks good! If someone had told me (0r my Ex) 10 years ago that one day I'd be knocking a 10'x10' hole in the front of my house then framing it in and installing new windows, siding, insulation and all that other stuff..... we'd have both told you that you were out of your mind. Now it's Been there Done that..... pretty cool. Plumbing? We got bid over $1000 to replace all the old worn out shutoff valves throughout the house. Including having to buy the soldering rig and all the valves we managed to save $920 on the job by doing it myself. The only real lesson..... everything is going to take MUCH longer than you suspect it will to get done. Also with this particular house.... it's also likely to be much more involved too. On the other hand it all very nice experience to have and it's nice to know that we can do damn near everything all by ourselves. I think we've done every phase of construction except pouring a concrete slab foundation. Given the time and materials I'm sure we could handle that too. And with my typical "overkill" engineering the damn thing would likely be able to support a house if it were built out of lead.

Well folks.... I just got word that Honey will be home prior to 3:30 am tonight!! That means I need to scoot on into the kitchen and whup up some grub. (A little Texas lingo there) I think I've finally located my good cookware..... not sure yet but the writing on the box gives me hope. I also found some of my spices and seasonings.... not all but enough to help. My totally excellent $60 pepper mill is still AWOL but I think it's in town drinking with my set of Chef Knives. Sooner or later I'll track everything down..... just in time to gut the kitchen and remodel it no doubt. Oh well.... it's progress. Y'all be good to each other this year..... and keep voting liberals out of office.